PasteCopy.NET is a free portable Windows Clipboard Manager with multilingual support. It's fully automated and has a (auto-) resizable preview pane. PasteCopy.NET enlarges the capacity of Windows Clipboard and lets you organize csv (Comma separated values), html, rtf (Rich Text Format), text, unicode- text & images into customizable categories. The supported fomats can be previewed and copied to Windows Clipboard with a mouse-click, or by keyboard navigation. PasteCopy.NET is a portable freeware tool, and can run from a USB memory stick.
複製→黏貼是現在電腦使用者「必備」的「技能」之一,不論是文檔、圖片、還是文字,都免不了需要借助內建的剪貼簿。PasteCopy.NET不但免費、小巧(不到300)、免安裝之外,還具備了多重剪貼簿內容管理、存檔(含圖片)、純文字轉換的功能.也就是說你可以按下多次,.都會幫你紀錄起來,等到要貼上時,再從裡面挑選即可,是一套相當方便好用的小工具喔!下載地址(download link):