Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.4 is the world's most popular download manager with over 190 million installs worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos as fast as possible. Additionally, DAP features powerful privacy, security, and file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility. DAP is easy to use working automatically with your web browser to provide the fastest download speed possible. Now, DAP 9.4 has been enhanced to provide the best possible performance with a power channel for consistent, stable, and reliable downloading. Additionally, DAP 9.4 includes fully featured Firefox integration letting you take total control when downloading with Firefox. Also a 64-bit Internet Explorer plug-in has been added so DAP can use the full power of 64-bit systems and software. In DAP you can download your favorite videos from YouTube and other popular video sites with a Video Downloader expansion. Downloading is safer as well thanks to innovative download security powered by SpeedBit's Multi Antivirus (MAV) Analysis that lets you compare what the leading Antivirus programs have to say about your downloads. DAP is available in 38 languages, with translations provided by users working on the SpeedBit Translation Wiki Project.
Download Accelerator Plus 是一個非常不錯的軟件,它號稱能提高下載速度300%以上的下載工具,支持多點續傳,可以自動搜索鏡像服務器,儘可能地提高下載速度,支持多服務器連接,搭配IE與 Nescape使用。文件安裝完後不需另外做設定,在瀏覽器發出下載文件要求時,便會自動啟動幫你下載件,並且支持代理服務器,自動拔號等等。新版本支持 ZIP 文件的站點提取,也就是說你不必下載整個壓縮包,而可以單獨提取 ZIP 包中的任意文件。