
免費記憶體優化工具 Memory Improve Master Free Version

Memory Improve Master Free Version is a free memory optimizer which will keep your computer running better, faster, and longer. Sometimes computer system becomes slow because of large and heavy sized applications are running simultaneously, it takes more memory space and makes the system works slowly. It frees up and compresses system memory to make processes run faster and crash less often.

Memory Improve Master Free Version 是一款智能化和易於使用的優化和監控系統的軟件。它釋放和壓縮系統內存,使進程的運行速度和系統崩潰的幾率大大降低。還有強大的功能,包括查看和監測內存使用情況,各種軟件實時 CPU使用率,設置內存參數的優化,顯示正在運行的進程等!軟件還有智能學習功能 (自動根據進程工作歷史調度進程內存回收壓縮)。

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免費系統清除軟件 FCleaner

FCleaner is a freeware all-in-one Windows disk and registry cleaning and optimization tool. It removes unused files and invalid registry entries that are eating up your disk space and slowing your system down, tweaks your system and allows your Windows to run faster. FCleaner can also protect your privacy such as Internet History, the Cookies that websites leave behind. You can erase all the traces of your online activities in just one click with the help of FCleaner. FCleaner is free, but it does not contain any Spyware or Adware.

FCleaner 是一個免費的所有功能於一身的Windows清理和優化工具。它刪除未使用的檔案,清理你的磁碟空間並放慢您的系統崩潰,調整你的系統,並允許您的 Windows執行更快。還有程式移除、啟動管理等功能

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免費檔案整體軟件 Duplicate Cleaner 1.4.64

Duplicate Cleaner is a tool to assist in cleaning up the contents of their personal hard drive or network. You'd be surprised just how many duplicate files you could find forgotten in an obscure documents folder. Photos, music, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, videos - you name it, if it appears twice on your system then Duplicate Cleaner will find it. Features: fast duplicate detection, music deep scan, delete, move or hard link files.

Duplicate Cleaner是一款非常優秀的檔案清理工具,它可以輕鬆清除電腦上的重複檔案,也支援同時搜索多個檔夾,支援按檔案名稱、大小和時間進行搜索,幫助你在 較短的時間內清除電腦中多餘的檔案。

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免費PDF制作軟件 Nitro PDF Reader beta

Free, fast, powerful, and secure. Create PDF files from over 300 different formats. Comment, review, and collaborate. Fill and save PDF forms. Extract text and images. Type text directly onto the page. It's the PDF reader, reimagined. It's the only free PDF reader to offer a full suite of collaboration tools, PDF creation from over 300 different formats, powerful extraction and conversion capabilities, and the ability to save PDF forms, stamp your handwritten signature, and type text directly onto the page. Nitro Reader is the first PDF reader to offer a comprehensive range of powerful features and tools, without the limitation or compromise you may have come to expect. Our vision? Everything you ever wanted in a free PDF reader--and nothing you don't. Download Nitro PDF Reader today, and find out for yourself.

Nitro PDF Reader是一個多功能pdf軟件,用家可以創建PDF文件,評論和審查,保存PDF表格,提取文本和圖像,直接鍵入文本到頁面上,等等。

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Paragon Backup & Recovery Free Edition (32 bit) 10.2

Paragon Backup & Recovery 10.2 Free Edition - a disaster recovery tool for stand-alone Windows-based PCs. Combining all the existing backup techniques and exclusive recovery environments, this latest edition satisfies the needs of even the most demanding user and is simply the most powerful free backup tool available today.

首款免費備份還原系統–Paragon Backup & Recovery Free Edition,可以取代「Acronis True Image Home」、支援Windows 7、可以產出開機USB/CD/DVD,可以在開機狀態下執行備份(熱備份)、設定在固定時間自動備份(排程備份),內建開機光碟燒錄功能,還可以直接把備份檔包進去而不需要額外的軟體。

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免費即時聊天客戶端 Miranda IM 0.8.27

Miranda IM is the smaller, faster, easier instant messenger with support for multiple protocols. Designed from the ground-up to be resource efficient while still providing a rich feature set, Miranda includes support for AIM, Jabber, ICQ, IRC, MSN, Yahoo, Gadu-Gadu and other protocols. Additionally, with the choice of hundreds of plugins, icons, sounds and other content, Miranda IM gives you the ability to modify, customise and extend functionality to make it your own.

Miranda IM是一款支持多種協議的即時聊天客戶端程序,高效便捷,無需安裝即可使用,而且占用內存更少。特別適合經常在不同機器上聊天的用戶,可以把 Miranda IM拷貝到閃存上隨處聊。超強的插件系統讓Miranda IM獲得極高的擴展性,軟件本身只內置了最常用的通訊功能,其余強大特性可隨時通過網站上提供的數百個插件擴展獲取。安裝插件後Miranda IM可以支持QQ,ICQ,AIM,MSN,Jabber, Yahoo,Gadu-Gadu,Tlen,Netsend等等國際流行聊天工具。

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免費wallpaper 自動轉換軟件 Vladstudio Companion 1.0

Vladstudio Companion automatically changes your desktop background with Vladstudio wallpapers downloaded in random order. Or, just double-click the tray icon to get new random wallpaper anytime! It also shows a small notification popup when new Vladstudio wallpaper is released. You will not even need to care about what your screen resolution is. Companion will detect it and will download the file that fits best.

Vladstudio Companion 是一個免費程序,它具有以下特性:
* 更換牆紙
每隔指定的時間,它會隨機下載 Vladstudio 出品的牆紙並進行更換。或者,你只需雙擊托盤圖標便可隨機切換牆紙。
* 新牆紙提醒


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免費批量改名工具 File Renamer Basic 6.0.1

File Renamer Basic is a powerful and yet easy to use program that allows the user to rename files, folders, and MP3 files with ease. It has a filename filter so you can easily narrow down your search to only a specifc type of file or filename to work with. You can also remove x number of characters starting from x character and even find and replace text. In addition to its renaming capabilities, it also has a built-in ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag editor.

File Renamer Basic 是一個批量更改檔案名稱的工具,可以按照使用者的要求來改名。

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PasteCopy.NET is a free portable Windows Clipboard Manager with multilingual support. It's fully automated and has a (auto-) resizable preview pane. PasteCopy.NET enlarges the capacity of Windows Clipboard and lets you organize csv (Comma separated values), html, rtf (Rich Text Format), text, unicode- text & images into customizable categories. The supported fomats can be previewed and copied to Windows Clipboard with a mouse-click, or by keyboard navigation. PasteCopy.NET is a portable freeware tool, and can run from a USB memory stick.


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免費批量解壓工具 ExtractNow 4.45

ExtractNow allows you to extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. It makes extracting files quicker and easier. ExtractNow supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, IMG, IMA, IMZ, ISO, and BIN, and archives.


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免費多媒體播放軟件 The KMPlayer

The KMPlayer is all-in-one media player covering various formats such as VCD, DVD, AVI, MKV, Ogg, OGM, 3GP, MPEG-1/2/4, WMV, RealMedia, QuickTime etc. It has an extra feature to play Incomplete/Damaged AVI file, Locked Media Files while downloading or sharing, Compressed Audio Album (zip, rar) and so on. It handles a wide range of subtitles and allows you to capture audio, video, and screenshots in many ways. The player provides both internal and external filters with a fully controlled environment without grappling with DirectShow merit system. The player can set multifarious audio and video effects, control playback speed and octave, select parts of a video as favorites, do a powerful A-B repeat, remap the keys of remote interface for HTPC including overlay screen controls, change a skin dynamically depending on a media type playing, and many more. It is completely customizable thanks to a wide selection of skins and color schemes, and configuration options are extensive.


KMPlayer不但支援各種常見的 codec,而且軟體輕巧,比起微軟的Windows Media Player還輕巧,操作相當順暢。KMPlayer不只可直接播放一般常見的各式影音檔、MP3…,連Flash遊戲、影片都可以拉進去直接播唷!此 外,你從YouTube或Yahoo影音、vlog網站等下載「.flv」的Flash影音檔,也可以直接用KMPlayer來播放唷!

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免費音樂播放軟件 酷狗音樂 2010 (KuGoo) 6.117 正式版


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免費下載工具 Download Accelerator Plus

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.4 is the world's most popular download manager with over 190 million installs worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos as fast as possible. Additionally, DAP features powerful privacy, security, and file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility. DAP is easy to use working automatically with your web browser to provide the fastest download speed possible. Now, DAP 9.4 has been enhanced to provide the best possible performance with a power channel for consistent, stable, and reliable downloading. Additionally, DAP 9.4 includes fully featured Firefox integration letting you take total control when downloading with Firefox. Also a 64-bit Internet Explorer plug-in has been added so DAP can use the full power of 64-bit systems and software. In DAP you can download your favorite videos from YouTube and other popular video sites with a Video Downloader expansion. Downloading is safer as well thanks to innovative download security powered by SpeedBit's Multi Antivirus (MAV) Analysis that lets you compare what the leading Antivirus programs have to say about your downloads. DAP is available in 38 languages, with translations provided by users working on the SpeedBit Translation Wiki Project.

Download Accelerator Plus 是一個非常不錯的軟件,它號稱能提高下載速度300%以上的下載工具,支持多點續傳,可以自動搜索鏡像服務器,儘可能地提高下載速度,支持多服務器連接,搭配IE與 Nescape使用。文件安裝完後不需另外做設定,在瀏覽器發出下載文件要求時,便會自動啟動幫你下載件,並且支持代理服務器,自動拔號等等。新版本支持 ZIP 文件的站點提取,也就是說你不必下載整個壓縮包,而可以單獨提取 ZIP 包中的任意文件。

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免費繪圖軟件 PhotoScape 3.5

PhotoScape is an all-in-one style photo editor with fun and ease of use. Major capabilities are: viewer, editor, batch editor, page, combine, animated GIF, print, splitter, screen capture, color picker, rename, raw converter, resizing, brightness/color/white-balance adjustment, backlight correction, frames, balloons, text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal and blooming. PhotoScape has been used for two years and is expanding its features continuously.

PhotoScape 是款易於使用的照片編輯軟體,透過它,可以讓我們修復及強化我們的照片,它提供了照片檢視、編輯、照片合併、動態 GIF 製作、螢幕擷取…等功能。它的編輯功能,可讓我們做照片的尺寸修改、亮度及色調的調整、消紅眼、馬賽克…等。

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免費windows 連接數限制解除軟件Half-open limit fix4.1

Half-open limit fix是一套設計來變更Windows系統檔案tcpip.sys中同時TCP半開放式連線數上限(連線嘗試)
Microsoft 首先在Windows XP SP2(Service Pack 2)中採用這個限制,而且在Windows後續版本中依然存在。
這試圖減慢病毒 與惡意程式的散佈也降低受感染系統遭受DoS(阻斷服務)攻擊的影響。

嘗試新的連線將放入佇列中被迫等待。因此,連線 到其他電腦的速度受到限制。
P2P(peer-to-peer)程式(μTorrent,BitComet,eMule,P2P TV等等...)是最受其影響的程式。
Half-open limit fix藉由增加半開放式連線數上限來解決這個問題。

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