Miranda IM is the smaller, faster, easier instant messenger with support for multiple protocols. Designed from the ground-up to be resource efficient while still providing a rich feature set, Miranda includes support for AIM, Jabber, ICQ, IRC, MSN, Yahoo, Gadu-Gadu and other protocols. Additionally, with the choice of hundreds of plugins, icons, sounds and other content, Miranda IM gives you the ability to modify, customise and extend functionality to make it your own.
Miranda IM是一款支持多種協議的即時聊天客戶端程序,高效便捷,無需安裝即可使用,而且占用內存更少。特別適合經常在不同機器上聊天的用戶,可以把 Miranda IM拷貝到閃存上隨處聊。超強的插件系統讓Miranda IM獲得極高的擴展性,軟件本身只內置了最常用的通訊功能,其余強大特性可隨時通過網站上提供的數百個插件擴展獲取。安裝插件後Miranda IM可以支持QQ,ICQ,AIM,MSN,Jabber, Yahoo,Gadu-Gadu,Tlen,Netsend等等國際流行聊天工具。