
免費反安裝工具Absolute Uninstaller 2.5 支援vista

The standard Add/Remove program can't uninstall applications completely which offen leaves broken registry keys, unnecessary files on the hard disk. The more junk files your computer has, the slower it runs. Absolute Uninstaller can wipe off all the junk files clearly in seconds. It offers a more user-friendly way to remove unneeded applications and to improve your computer efficiency. Version 2.5 adds feature of hiding windows updates and more language support.

標準添加/刪除程序不能卸載的申請,這完全offen葉片破碎註冊表,不必要的文件放在硬盤上。越多的垃圾文件,你的電腦,慢的,它違背了。Absolute Uninstaller可以去除所有垃圾文件清楚秒。它提供了一個更加方便用戶的方式,以消除不必要的申請,並改善你的電腦的效率。


免費音訊轉換軟件 Express Rip 1.70 支援vista

Express Rip is a Windows program that lets you extract digital-audio tracks directly from audio CDs to either WAV or MP3 files on your hard drive. By using direct digital extraction, pure audio quality is maintained and the process is very fast.

Express Rip是一個windows程式,讓您提取數字音頻軌道直接從錄音光碟要么wav或mp3文件,對你的硬盤。採用直接數字萃取,純音頻質量,是保持和過程是非常快的。


免費dvd制作軟件DVD Album

DVD Album allows you to import several DVD .mpg video files, create a simple menu and burn a DVD video disc. You can change menu thumbnails and captions, select the background picture and different video options. Version includes unspecified updates.

dvd album讓你輸入幾個電影。哩視頻文件,創建一個簡單的菜單和燒dvd視頻光盤。你可以改變菜單拖放和字幕,選擇背景圖片和不同視頻選項。

免費光碟autorun menu制作工具Autorun Starter 1

autorun starter是一個很小的應用,使簡易菜單製作光盤配件。一切是很簡單的只看在starter.ini 。這個版本是第一次發布關於站點cnet download.com 。

Autorun Starter is a small app which enables easy menu making for CD Autoruns. All is easy just look in starter.ini. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.

免費日曆制作軟件CalendarPainter 1.0i

CalendarPainter is a photo calendar printer and builder application providing several calendar designs. Any bitmap image can be added (drag and drop) to a month and any color can be selected for the month frame and week days. The calendar can be saved so it is possible to reuse it. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.

calendarpainter是一個圖片日曆打印機和builder應用提供幾個月曆設計。任何位圖圖像可以被添加(拖放) ,以1個月和任何顏色可以選擇一個月內和一周天。日曆可以節省,所以它是可能的重用。





  感謝gray逆向分析了iPhone的加密算法  感謝geohot提供了具體的實現方法及服務器  感謝Zibri提供的有關技術支持  感謝xadnanx對secloader作出的修正  感謝所有其他對此作出貢獻的人



  將解壓得到的SimFree(IPSF)安裝到iPhone上(需要手工上傳),添加運行屬性,同時安裝BSD Subsystem和OpenSSH,參見【教程】用iBrickr安裝軟件


  確保iPhone的WiFi可以訪問Internet,並將WiFi的DNS設成 (geohot的服務器 ),參見【教程】WiFi的設置方法。


  Unlock failed. Unable to update token.這是正常的,如果出現其他錯誤就是不對的,請返回重新來過。




  打開一個命令行窗口,進入前面解壓的目錄裡面,輸入命令:C:\revirgin\> geomaker 真實IMEI.bin將生成一個新文件:真實IMEI.bin_loader,下面要用到這個生成的文件。Mac用戶需要手工將seczone嵌入到secloader裡面,這裡就不介紹了。


  將解壓得到的以下文件傳到iPhone上,放到 /revirgin 目錄裡:
  314fls_correct  314secpack  eeprom.eep,  bbupdater  iUnlock  真實IMEI.bin_loader

  cd /revirgin  

chmod 755 bbupdater iUnlock  


unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist (關閉通訊中心)  

./iUnlock 314secpack 真實IMEI.bin_loader (寫入修復專用的secloader)  

./bbupdater -v (這一步會報錯,沒關係,屬於正常的,主要是要secloader運行並修復好seczone) 

./iUnlock 314secpack 314fls_correct (重新寫入正確的secloader)  

./bbupdater -v (這一步應該顯示正常的版本03.14.08_G)  

./bbupdater -e eeprom.eep (恢復EEPROM,只是為了保險起見)  

launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist (打開通訊中心)以上命令也可以在MobileTerminal下完成。

  啟動後機器已經修復,並且已經解鎖,採用的是與anySIM 1.1類似的方法,由gray實現。


  2、anySIM和iUnlock帶來的另一個副作用就是NCK計數用盡(就是可供嘗試解鎖的次數)目前iPhone Dev Team正在就以上問題尋求解決方法。
  注意:以下內容僅適用於iPhone升級包版本1.0.2(1C28),Baseband版本03.14.08_G,全部操作在Intel Mac上完成。
  代碼:009-7698-4.dmg這個文件中有我們需要的Baseband內容。由於文件格式與蘋果標準的DMG格式有不同,需要稍作轉換。打開一個Terminal,輸入代碼:dd if=009-7698-4.dmg.dmg of=ramdisk.dmg bs=512 skip=4 conv=sync會生成一個ramdisk.dmg文件,這個文件是標準的DMG格式,可以直接加載。
  代碼:/Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/bin/bbupdater  /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/standalone/firmware/ICE03.14.08_G.eep  /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/standalone/firmware/ICE03.14.08_G.fls5、重刷Baseband恢復原始狀態,用SSH登錄到iPhone上,然後進入上面3個文件所在的目錄中,輸入下面命令重刷Modem:
  代碼:launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist  ./bbupdater -f ICE03.14.08_G.fls -e ICE03.14.08_G.eep  launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist如果擔心刷Modem的中途WiFi故障導致失敗的話,可以在iPhone上安裝Mobile Terminal,在Mobile Terminal裡面操作就不會有這種風險了,當然要保證中間不掉電。


免費rss閱讀軟件for iphoneenophi - Social RSS for the iPhone

Subscribe to feeds on your iPhone and iPod touch it tracks the articles and topics you want to read about. Flag articles when you use the EDGE connection instead of Wi-Fi on your iPhone you can mark stories to read later when a faster connection is available.



免費sitemap制作軟件Supernova Sitemap Generator 1.8

Generate an HTML site map to allow search engines to index more pages on your Web site. Create an XML sitemap format that can be submitted to Google to help them crawl your website better. Create a Text sitemap to submit to Yahoo and other search engines.





Phlog is a photoblogging community. It is the easiest way to share photos from your camera phone or digital camera with your friends and family. By sending your photos via MMS or Email from your mobile, Mac, or PC to your very own phlog at phlog.net/user/yourname, you are instantly making them available to a select group of people or the world at large. They can then comment on your photos and you can visit their photos.
Phlog is also great for storing and organizing your photos. For example, you can keep all the photos you ever make on phlog and don't need to move them when you change your computer or phone. We're your secure and easy back-up. We also give you all you'll need to organize your photos: besides the standard phlog layout, you can put your photos into albums or give them tags. Tags are little keywords that characterize the photo, like "red, rose, England". You and your friends can then instantly find that photo through looking at all the photos tagged with red, rose, or England.

phlog是photoblogging社區。這是最簡單的方式分享照片從您的拍照手機或數碼相機與你的朋友和家人。通過發送你的照片通過彩信或電子郵件,從你的手機中,陸委會,或個人電腦,以你自己phlog在phlog.net /用戶/ yourname ,你立刻使它們提供給專責組的人,或於世界。他們便可以評論你的照片,你也可以訪問他們的照片。

phlog是,又是偉大的儲存和組織你的照片。例如,你可以保留所有照片,你就phlog ,並不需要動之時,你可以改變電腦或手機。我們正在您的安全和方便備份。我們也給你所有你需要組織好你的照片問:除了標準phlog佈局,你可以把你的照片到相冊,或給他們的標籤。標籤是很少關鍵詞特點的圖片,如"紅,玫瑰,英格蘭" 。您和您的朋友就可以即時找到的照片,通過看所有的照片貼上了紅,玫瑰,或英格蘭。

免費網頁按鈕制作軟件Brilliant Button Maker

Brilliant Button Maker is a Web interface to create 80x15 buttons. You can use two images (one on the left and the other on the right side) to decorate the button. You can also upload a created button directly to Imageshack.us for hosting.

Brilliant Button Maker是一個網絡界面中,以創建80x15按鈕。您可以使用兩種圖像(一個在左邊和其他對右邊) ,以裝點一下按鈕。你也可以上傳一個按鈕,造成直接向imageshack.us主辦。



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其檔案的名稱是一個叫 Win2kHW 的檔案夾,而內容有四個.SYS 的系統檔案及一個.REG 的登錄檔案.




先比對檔案無誤後,再複製覆蓋檔案,之後再執行其.REG 檔即可,








檔案下載 http://www.badongo.com/file/1805601

免費mac視頻轉換軟件HandBrake 0.9.1

HandBrake is a GPL'd multiplatform, multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4 ripper/converter. HandBrake was originally available on the BeOS, but now has been ported over to MacOS X and to GNU/Linux. Version 0.9.1 includes unspecified updates.
HandBrake 是一個gpl'd多平台,多線程的dvd到mpeg - 4碎屍/轉換器。HandBrake ,原本可於beos的,但現在已經被移植到macos下和gnu / linux的。


免費軟件移除軟件Free Uninstaller 1.1

Free Uninstaller ,是免費軟件卸載工具-更換為添加/刪除程序。罷免程序清單,只選擇它在名單內,並點擊卸載按鈕。無效的元素突出了一個紅顏色。系統組件都突出了一個深藍色的。自去除系統部件可破壞作業系統,他們都是隱藏的默認。主要特點:消除/卸載多種程序,在一次。只選擇想要申請的名單中,並單擊卸載或刪除按鈕。 (選擇多個項目都使用按ctrl鍵) ;去除無效參賽作品,從系統卸載名單;陳列的詳細信息,對每一個安裝程序(名稱及版本,大小,生產者名稱,生產者網頁,評論,卸載指揮) ;點擊註冊和www聯繫;展示註冊表條目創造的選定程序的安裝程序。 1.1版特點:儲蓄與加載卸載名單/從fun_list檔案;搜索節目名稱和節目製作人谷歌,雅虎!搜索, live.com ( msn的) ;選項對話框中,如果用戶可以改變大批的選擇。

Free Uninstaller is the freeware uninstall tool - replacement for Add/Remove program. To remove program from list, just select it on the list and click Uninstall button. Invalid elements are highlighted with a red color. System components are highlighted with a dark blue. Since removing system components can damage the operating system, they are hidden by default. Key features: Removing/uninstalling multiple programs at once. Just select desired applications on the list and click Uninstall or Remove button. (To select multiple programs use CTRL key); Removing invalid entries from the system uninstall list; Displaying detailed informations about every installed program (name and version, size, producer name, producer Web page, comments, uninstall command); Clickable registry and www links; Displaying registry entries created by selected program's installer.
Version 1.1 features: saving and loading uninstall lists to/from FUN_LIST files; searching program name and program producer with Google, Yahoo! Search, Live.com (MSN); options dialog, where user can change large number of options

免費psp視頻轉換軟件Plato Video To PSP Converter 3.66

Plato Video to PSP Converter is a simple and free software to convert almost all formats of video files such as DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, ASF, MOV, ASX, SVCD, and VCD stream formats into PSP MP4 format.

Plato Video To PSP Converter是一種簡單的免費軟件,以轉換幾乎所有格式的視頻文件,如divx , xvid , avi的,對wmv ,哩,的mpeg , asf文件,限壓器,澳洲證交所, svcd和vcd流格式的psp的mp4格式。


Naruto is a manga series with an anime adaptation. The main character, Naruto Uzumaki, is a loud, hyperactive, predictable adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition.

免費螢幕截取軟件CamStudio 2.1

CamStudio is a free video screen capture program that allows the user to have complete control. The user can select a specific area of the screen or the whole screen. They can choose to record audio from the computer's speakers or from a microphone, making this a great program for tutorial makers. It's simple-to-use interface can attract even the most novice user. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.




免費3gp視頻轉換軟件Apex Free 3GP Video Converter 5.87

Apex Free 3GP Video Converter is designed to meet all your needs of free convert any popular video to cell phone. Extremely fast conversion speed and friendly user interface let you convert any video files to 3GP video format with ease. Version 5.87 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Apex Free 3GP Video Converter,以滿足您所有的需要自由轉換成任何流行的視頻手機。非常快的轉換速度和友好的用戶界面,讓你轉換任何視頻文件,以多種視頻格式與放心。


Eyetoy pc driver EOCP Driver for Sony Eyetoy USB Camera 0.9.0822C

Automated Installing Drivers and capture program that allows you to use the Sony EyeToy USB Camera on Computer. It comes with three video capture programs and the drivers to run them. The entire project is released under the Open-Source GNU GPL. Version 0.9.0822C fixes major bugs but only works on Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003.

自動安裝驅動和採集程序,可以讓你用索尼Eyetoy usb攝像頭的電腦。它配備了3個視頻捕捉程序和司機來說。整個項目下發布的開源gnu通用。


免費燒錄軟件Express Burn 4.05 支援vista

Express Burn is a program for Windows that lets you create and record CDs, DVDs, HD-DVDs and Blu-ray with any PC with a CD/DVD/Blu-ray recorder installed. With Express Burn you can record a CD, DVD, High Definition DVD or Blu-ray disc quickly and easily by dragging the files you want onto the Express Burn icon and clicking 'Burn'. The software then does the rest, including converting the files if required. It is also the fastest CD/DVD writing program in the world using proprietary optimizing systems.
Version 4.05 is a bug fixing release.

Express Burn是一個程式,讓您創建和記錄光碟,數碼影像光碟,高清dvd和藍光與任何電腦光碟機/ dvd /藍光刻錄機安裝。與快燒,你可以記錄光碟, dvd的,高清晰度dvd或藍光迅速和容易拖檔案,你想上明示燒傷圖標點擊'燒' 。軟件那麼其餘的,包括轉換檔案,如果需要。它也是最快的cd / dvd寫作計畫,在世界上使用專有系統優化。


免費mp3下載軟件MP3 Search Premium 3.15

Connecting to major P2P network such as Gnutella, G2, and Bittorrent, Peer Search Premium is advanced file searching and sharing program. It returns thousands of song, movie, image, and other media files within a second. Thanks for the multihost downloading (swamp) features, Peer Search Premium greatly improve the download speed multiple times. Other exciting features include download resume and retry, and download through firewall and download from Bittorent network. Version 3.15 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
Note: This software comes with Dealio Shopping toolbar, that can be installed or uninstalled at the user's choice.

連接主要對等網等gnutella的, g2的, bt的,同儕搜索保費是先進的文件搜索和共享軟件。返回數以千計歌曲,電影,圖片,以及其他媒體文件內第二。感謝multihost下載(沼澤)的特點,尋找同伴保費大大提高下載速度成倍增長。其他令人興奮的功能包括下載恢復和再審,並通過下載防火牆和下載p2p網絡。 3.15版可能包括未更新,改進,或補丁。





免費聲音錄制軟件WavePad 3.05

WavePad 3.05是一個健全的編輯窗口,讓你製作和編輯語音和其他音頻錄音。你可以切斷,拷貝和粘貼部分錄音,如果有需要,添加效果,如迴聲,放大和噪音減少。 3.05版本包括更先進的音頻編輯功能。

WavePad is a sound editor for Windows that lets you make and edit voice and other audio recordings. You can cut, copy, and paste parts of recordings and, if required, add effects such as echo, amplification, and noise reduction. Version 3.05 includes more advanced audio editing features.


BearFlix is the fastest video download application on the Web offering access to millions of video titles, all free. BearFlix is powered by the same engine as BearShare, but optimized from the ground up for video download. BearFlix is 100% clean, with no adware, no spyware, no viruses, no trojans. Just pure video downloads. Share BearFlix with your friends.

bearflix是最快的視頻下載應用網絡接入提供數以百萬計的23.27美元,全部免費。 bearflix供電一樣的引擎了bearshare ,但優化從地面上升的視頻下載。 bearflix是百分之百乾淨,沒有廣告,沒有間諜軟件,沒有病毒,沒有木馬。只是單純的視頻下載。 bearflix分享您的朋友。


免費音樂播放軟件 JetAudio Basic 支援vista

JetAudio is integrated multimedia software made up of a single compact rack. Not only does it play various music and video files, it also has features such as CD burning, recording, and conversion to other file formats. You can create your own Internet broadcast by using JetCast, provided with JetAudio, and you can play all major file formats, including WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPEG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM, and video and audio CD tracks. Convert among audio file formats, and record analog audio to various formats.tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA files; sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; cross-fading for a smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; and synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files.supports for video conversion for iAUDIO U3, supports ts,tp file extension, and includes video format converter to AVI

jetaudio整合多媒體軟件成立一個單一緊湊型機架。它不僅玩弄各種音樂和視頻文件,它還具有諸如光盤焚燒,錄音,並轉換為其他格式文件。你可以創造自己的互聯網廣播用jetcast ,提供jetaudio的,你可以發揮所有主要文件格式,包括wav等, mp3播放,幻燈片, ogg等,醫器, mpeg , avi等, wmv的,的midi , rm的,視頻和音頻光盤折服。轉換中的音頻文件格式,並記錄模擬音頻各formats.tag編輯的mp3 , ogg等, wma文件;音效包括寬,混響,而x低音;多聲輸出;速度的控制音頻播放;跨衰落為平穩過渡,兩首歌曲;一暢用戶界面;同步歌詞顯示(卡拉)的midi和mp3 files.supports視頻轉換為iaudio的u3 ,支持的ts ,總磷文件的擴展名,包括視頻格式轉換的avi

免費dvd轉ipod視頻軟件E-Zsoft DVD To iPod Converter 5.0.11

E-Zsoft DVD to iPod Converter provides an easy and completed way to Convert/Rip your DVD to iPod video format. All encoders/decoders are built-in that you can convert all supported formats once downloading the DVD to iPod Converter. DVD To iPod Converter with a user-friendly and easy-to-use converter interface, even for untrained users, they can use it easy.
Version 5.0.11 improves conversion speed and supports split files.

E-Zsoft DVD to iPod Converter 提供了一個輕鬆的方式完成轉換/扯裂你的dvd ipod的視頻格式。所有編碼/解碼器是內置式,你可以把所有支持的格式一旦下載dvd ipod的轉換。格式轉換器ipod的一個用戶友好和易用的界面轉換,即使是未受過訓練的用戶,他們可以使用它容易。


免費瀏覽器軟件Lively Browser 4.4.0

Lively Browser supports Tabbed mode and Tree mode(recommended) to surf in Internet as a Web browser. Tree mode is our original mode to layout the opening web pages just as a tree branches from its trunk. You can even browse hundreds of Web pages simultaneously in its tree mode. Moreover, We provide more than 2,000,000 top popular sites, forums, and software on the web, especially Alexa top sites. Finally, Lively Browser has a unique way to keep itself always lively--Auto Online Update. Updates are published frequently on our online update server.

Lively Browser 支持分頁模式和樹模式(推薦)衝浪互聯網作為一個網絡瀏覽器。樹模式,是我們原來的模式佈局開幕網頁就像樹枝從樹幹。你甚至可以瀏覽數以百計的網頁,同時在其樹模式。此外,我們提供超過2,000,000頂部熱門網站,論壇和軟件的網站,尤其是alexa的頂級站點。最後,活潑的瀏覽器有一個獨特的方式把自己總是活潑-自動在線更新。最新出版經常對我們的在線更新服務器。

下載地址(download link):

免費硬碟數據復原軟件 Data Disc Recovery (DDR)

Fast and effective recovery software. Can efficiently scan and recover data from FAT and NTFS. Scanning time is very short, 30GB scanned in several seconds is very good result. For bigger partitions scanning economy is even greater. DDR also recover data loss by 'shift-delete' on FAT partitions, recover any data fragments from drive, search disc through many criterion, and searching data directly on HDD, for example scanning free clusters in search for our file. DDR allows to recover entire directory, gives chance to view graphic files before recovering.

快速有效恢復軟件。能有效地掃描和恢復數據,從fat和ntfs 。掃描時間很短, 30g的掃描幾秒鐘,是非常好的結果。更大的掃描間隔經濟更大。復員也恢復數據丟失'移刪除'對脂肪間隔,收回任何數據片段驅動,搜索光盤通過許多標準,並尋找數據直接對硬盤,例如免費掃描集群搜尋檔案的。復員允許收回整個目錄,讓有機會以圖形檔案,然後恢復。


免費下載工具軟件 Download Accelerator Manager 4.2.1

Download Accelerator Manager (DAM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to many times, resume, schedule, and organize downloads. DAM is also a video grabber and accelerator for YouTube site. DAM will recover downloads due to unexpected events or errors, such as lost connections, power outages, or network problems. DAM can connect to the Internet, download your files, then disconnect or shutdown computer when done. This is the only downloader that can get files from protected sites and support Web cookies, proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, and redirects. Other rich features include connection, sites, sounds, and free-space managements. Plus, it integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Avant, Maxthon, and other browsers to handle downloads. You may also integrate a scanner, like AdAware, AVG Anti-Virus, Avast, Spybot, McAfee VirusScan, SpywareBlaster, CCleaner, EXE, Spy Sweeper, Spyware Doctor, or Norton AntiVirus, to protect from harmful files.

Download Accelerator Manager (DAM) 是一個工具,以增加下載速度達多次,恢復時間表,並組織下載。DAM也是一個視頻採集卡和加速器youtube網站。DAM將收回下載因突發事件或錯誤,例如失去連接,停電或網絡問題。DAM可以連接到互聯網,下載文件,然後斷開或電腦關機時進行。這是唯一的下載,可以從檔案保護的地點和支持網站的cookies ,代理的http , https和ftp協議,並重定向。其它豐富的功能,包括連接,地點,聲音,和自由空間的管理。另外,它集成了因特網瀏覽器火狐,網景瀏覽器, mozilla ,歌劇,前衛,瀏覽,和其他瀏覽器來處理下載。您也可以把掃描器,如AdAware, AVG Anti-Virus, Avast, Spybot, McAfee VirusScan, SpywareBlaster, CCleaner, EXE, Spy Sweeper, Spyware Doctor, 或 Norton AntiVirus,以保護免受有害的檔案。


免費系統清除軟件CCleaner 2.35.1223

CCleaner is a system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It's fast (normally taking less that a second to run). It cleans: Internet Explorer (Temporary files, URL history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat); Firefox (Temporary files, URL history, cookies, download history); Windows (Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files, and Log files); Registry cleaner (Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts. So comes with a comprehensive backup feature.)

ccleaner是一個系統優化和隱私的工具。它未被刪除檔案,從你的系統-允許運行w indows更快騰出寶貴的硬盤空間。它的快速(通常以低於第二運行) 。它擦拭:因特網探險(臨時文件,歷史上的url ,餅乾, autocomplete形成歷史, index.dat ) ;火狐(臨時文件,歷史上的url ,餅乾,下載歷史) ;視窗(回收站,最近文件,臨時文件和日誌檔案) ;註冊清潔工(先進功能,以除去未老作品,包括後綴名, activex控制, classids , progids ,卸載,共享dll文件,字體,幫助文件,應用路徑,圖標的,無效的捷徑。所以配備了綜合備份專題) 。



免費youtube視頻上傳軟件 Youtube File Manager 支援vista

The Youtube File Manager utility helps you to upload your video files to the youtube site automatically. With this tool you have not to go to the youtube site. Just add your video files to the upload list and press one button to submit video content.

Youtube File Manager 幫你上傳你的視頻文件到youtube網站。用此工具你沒有往youtube網站。剛加入你的視頻文件的上傳名單,並按下一個按鈕提交視頻內容。

免費網絡硬碟ADrive beta

ADrive LLC (ADrive.com) leads the free online data storage community, offering the largest amount of free storage on the internet. ADrive provides users with secure solutions for storing, backing up, and accessing files from virtually anywhere, at any time. ADrive serves as an online, centralized vault for all file types including: music, videos, photos, documents, and more. Founded by veterans of the storage and networking industry, ADrive was designed to meet the demands of our data-intensive world.

adrive llc公司( adrive.com )率先免費在線數據存儲社區,提供的數額最大的免費存儲於互聯網。 adrive用戶提供安全解決方案,儲存,備份,檔案存取,從幾乎任何地方,任何時候。 adrive充當一個在線,中央金庫所有文件類型,包括:音樂,視頻,照片,文件和更多。創辦退伍存儲和網絡業, adrive是為了滿足我們的數據密集型的世界。



免費firefox 網頁儲存plugin Save Complete 0.9b7

Saves a Web page completely, providing a better alternative to the flawed built-in save functionality of Firefox. As more and more sites use CSS, Firefox's built-in complete save becomes increasingly less effective, as it doesn't support stylesheets. This extension fixes this, and saves the complete page, including all images and all stylesheets associated with the document, even imported stylesheets and images referenced in the stylesheet files. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.

保存網頁時,提供一個更好的替代缺陷內置式儲存功能的firefox 。由於越來越多的網站使用的css , firefox的內置式完整保存變得越來越無效,因為它不支持樣式。這個擴展可以解決這一問題,並節省徹底頁,包括所有圖片及樣式所有相關文件,即使是進口的樣式和圖片參照在樣式表文件。


免費字典軟件 StarDict 3.0.2

StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary software. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy query".

星際譯王,是一種跨平台和國際字典軟件。它具有強大的功能,如"地球式的模式匹配" , "選擇掃描字" , "模糊查詢" 。

免費MMORPG遊戲Metin2 1.1

Metin2 is an English version of an ever fascinating online RPG game, which introduces a newer style of combat that is not available in most online RPG's out there. Players from all over world may join in teams and engage in a fast paced dynamic battle system. Unlike most MMORPG's, Metin2 gives players a direct control over their character's attacks. Rather than issuing a command, player is able to inflict a more strategic and intense attack. Metin2 is composed of many different types of quests, battles, guild wars and other functionalities.

metin2是英語版是一個有趣的在線RPG遊戲,其中介紹了一種更新式的戰鬥是不容易在MMORPG出現。玩家從各地世界可能加入隊伍,並進行了快節奏的動態戰鬥系統。不同於大多數MMORPG遊戲的, metin2讓玩家直接控制其性質的攻擊。而非發出命令,玩家是能夠使人更具戰略性的激烈攻擊。 metin2組成許多不同類型的追求,戰役,戰爭會館及其他功能。


免費office代用軟件EIOffice 2007 For Windows

永中EIOffice在一套標準的用戶介面下整合了文字處理、試算表和簡報製作三大應用;基於創新的資料物件儲藏庫專利技術,有效解決了Office各應用之間的資料整合共用問題。永中整合Office可以在Windows、Linux和Mac OS等多個不同作業系統上運行。歷經多個主要版本的演進,永中整合Office的產品功能豐富,穩定可靠,可高度替代進口的同類軟體,且具備諸多創新功能,是一款自主創新的優秀辦公軟體。


免費虛擬光碟軟件Alcohol 52% Free Edition

Emulation software, supports 25 plus languages. Can handle up to 31 virtual CD and DVD-ROM drives, all at once. The reading speed of a virtual CD-ROM is 200X. This means you can play a CD from the virtual CD-ROM with 200X reading speed. Supports normal CD and DVD and CD RAW sub-channel reading methods: RAW reading method enables to emulate all CDs. Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.


Alcohol 52% Free Edition 是一款免費的虛擬光碟工具,它與知名的燒錄軟體 Alcohol 120%是同一家廠商所出品,所以品質上當然也有一定的保障。使用者可以透過它來同時模擬六部虛擬光碟機,透過這些虛擬光碟機來載入想要模擬的映像檔,讓你能夠不需要將這些資料燒錄成光碟就直接進行讀取。如此一來,可以有較快速的讀取速度,並且還能夠讀取一些特殊保護的光碟映像檔。

而 Alcohol 52%其實還有付費購買的專業版本,其與 Alcohol 52% Free Edition 主要的差異在於專業版提供了同時支援 31 部虛擬光碟機,讓有需要同時模擬六部光碟以上的使用者能夠選購。因此,如果你並不需要大量的光碟模擬,那麼 Alcohol 52% Free Edition 可就正好合你使用囉!


免費音訊轉換軟件 DeepRipper 1.1

DeepRipper is a new freeware program that will convert your audio CD tracks to first-grade MP3, OGG, or WAV files. The application features a number of presets for less-experienced users and a full set of manual settings for experts. Take full control over CD ripping with DeepRipper. Do it quickly, easily, and in a flexible way. Extracting digital-music files from CDs becomes simple, quick, and painless with DeepRipper.

deepripper是一種新的免費程序,將轉換你的音頻cd曲目一流的mp3 , ogg等,或wav文件。應用特徵數預置為較少經驗的使用者和全套手工設置專家。採取全面控制光盤挖土與deepripper 。做到迅速,輕易,並以靈活的方式。提取數位音樂檔案,從光碟變得簡單,快捷,無痛與deepripper 。



免費系統優化軟件Tweak UI 1.33

The Windows shell-development team did some extra programming and put together a set of tools called Power Toys. If you're a power user, go ahead and try them out, but be forewarned that Power Toys aren't supported by Microsoft because they're not part of Windows. This group of "toys" lets you adjust your Windows user interface, including menu speed, window animation, and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

窗戶殼式開發團隊做了一些額外的編程和放在一起一套工具稱為功率玩具等。如果你是一個電力用戶,強行對他們進行審判,但必須預先權力玩具是不支持由微軟,因為他們不是windows的一部分。這組"玩具" ,可以讓你調整你的視窗用戶界面,包括菜單速度,窗口動畫,微軟ie.



免費下載工具軟件FlashGet 1.9.6

FlashGet is specifically designed to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed and management of downloaded files. If you've ever waited forever for your files to download from a slow connection, or been cut off mid-way through a download - or just can't keep track of your ever-growing downloads - FlashGet is for you.
FlashGet supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, BT, MMS, MMST, RTSP, ed2k protocol. Optimized the multi-thread dispatching, capability of disc read/ write when downloading; fixed the bug in certain situation that it has no traffic in Drop Zone. Version 1.9.6 added FlashGet Recommendation Page.


Flashget支持http , https , ftp ,bt,mms, mmst , rtsp協議, ed2k協議。優化多線程調度能力,圓盤讀/寫的時候下載;固定缺陷,在某些情況下卻沒有交通落區。 1.9.6版增加頁面推薦頁面。


免費firefox優化軟件Fasterfox 2

Fasterfox allows you to tweak many network and rendering settings such as simultaneous connections, pipelining, cache, DNS cache, and initial paint delay. Dynamic speed increases can be obtained with the unique prefetching mechanism, which recycles idle bandwidth by silently loading and caching all of the links on the page you are browsing. A pop-up blocker for pop-ups initiated by Flash plug-ins is also included. Version 2 includes unspecified updates.

Fasterfox 允許您設置許多網絡和渲染設置等同步連接,流水線,快取緩存域名,並初步描繪延誤。動態速度增加,可與獨特的前置機制,其中回收閒置頻寬默默加載緩存和所有的鏈接頁,你瀏覽。一個彈出式廣告過濾,為彈出式啟動閃光燈插件,也包括在內。


免費mac p2p下載軟件LimeWire 4.14.10

LimeWire has a new, personalized spam blocker to get rid of junk results. Automatic updates will keep you sharing faster than ever with the latest version. You can search for Creative Commons and Weedshare licensed files, and publish your own creative works with Creative Commons licensing. LimeWire continues its guarantee of no adware or spyware.
LimeWire is the world's fastest P2P file-sharing application, letting users share and search for all types of computer files, including movies, pictures, games, and text documents. The applications other features include dynamic querying, the ability to preview files while downloading, advanced techniques for locating rare files, and an extremely intuitive user interface. Version 4.14.10 includes unspecified updates.




免費視頻轉換軟件Apex Video Converter Free 6.34

Apex Video Converter Free is designed to convert file from WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB , MPEG, VCD, DVD, SVCD , MOV to AVI, Divx, Xvid formats. Extremely fast conversion speed and friendly user interface let you convert video files between many formats with ease. The powerful features and unbeatable price make Apex Video Converter Free an affordable and powerful video conversion solution on personal computer. Version 6.34 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.


免費ppt轉flash軟件authorPoint Lite 2

authorPOINT Lite converts and uploads presentations to authorSTREAM and WiZiQ, the only services that retain PowerPoint effects on the web like PowerPoint animations, rehearsed timings, sounds and gifs. It is Windows Vista and Office 2007 compatible.
Version 2 adds MS Office 2007 support.



免費歌曲下載軟件Ares Destiny 3

Ares latest version, Destiny, is the fastest file sharing program on the planet. Ares is not filled with viruses or spyware like other p2p file sharing programs. You can download any type of digital file with Ares. Download your favorite songs, movies, games, screensavers, and software programs, all for free with the latest and fastest version of Ares.




免費打字練習軟件RapidTyping Typing Tutor

This free program help you learn quick and blind keyboard printing. Program benefits: Training statistics; Keyboard emulation; Uses the simple and colorful interface; Personal exercises creation; Free lessons choice; Multiple Users Support; Game plot. Version adds Italian interface and virtual keyboards.


免費pdf制作軟件CutePDF Writer 支援vista

Portable Document Format (PDF) is the de facto standard for the secure and reliable distribution and exchange of electronic documents and forms around the world. CutePDF Writer (formerly CutePDF Printer) is the free version of commercial PDF creation software. CutePDF Writer installs itself as a printer subsystem. This enables virtually any Windows applications (must be able to print) to create professional quality PDF documents with just a push of a button.
Version 2.7 added support for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista.





ImgBurn supports a wide range of image file formats - including BIN, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI.
It supports Unicode folder/file names, so you shouldn't run in to any problems if you're using an international character set.
ImgBurn supports all the Windows OS's - Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista (including all the 64-bit versions). If you use Wine, it should also run on Linux and other x86-based Unixes.
It's a very flexible application with several advanced features that are often lacking in other tools, especially when it comes to burning DVD Video discs. It supports all the latest drives without the need for updates (including booktype / bitsetting / advanced settings on many of the major ones - i.e. BenQ, LiteOn, LG, NEC, Plextor, Samsung, Sony).
There is an image queue system for when you're burning several images (which you can automatically share between multiple drives if you have more than one) and an easy-to-use layer break selection screen for double layer DVD Video jobs. The Automatic Write Speed feature allows you store your favourite burn speed settings on a per 'Media ID' basis, right down to a drive by drive level. Data captured during the burn (write speed, buffer levels etc) can be displayed / analysed using DVDInfoPro.
Whilst ImgBurn is designed to work perfectly straight out of the box, advanced users will appreciate just how configurable it is.
Oh and let's not forget the best thing about it.... it's 100% FREE ;-)
功能強大 不可不用

免費mac視頻下載軟件TubeTV 0.7

Got an Apple TV and want more content for it. Wish you could watch YouTube on your TV. TubeTV is a new freeware program for Mac OS X Tiger and above which enables you to search for and save Google Video and YouTube videos in a format suitable for playback on your Apple TV or video capable iPod. A built in search bar and Web browser helps you conveniently locate your favorite videos, or, if you prefer, a URL can be pasted into the program to jump directly to a video clip. High quality video conversions using the H.264 codec are performed with QuickTime. Double clicking on a saved video file will open it in iTunes allowing easy library addition and syncing to your desired device.

免費防毒軟件 PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition

有了 PC Tools AntiVirus 免費版本,您就不必擔心大部分的惡意網路威脅侵入您的電腦或竊取個人資訊。在沒有防護的情況下上網,可能導致電腦在幾分鐘內感染最近快速流竄的病毒與蠕蟲(例如 Netsky、Mytob 與 MyDoom)。
[+] 點擊以最大化


這就是為什麼 PC Tools AntiVirus 免費版本要提供您世界一流的防護軟體,以快速的資料庫更新、 IntelliGuard™ 即時防護功能與完整的系統掃描,確保系統安全且不受病毒感染。PC Tools 的產品深受信賴,每天有數百萬人使用我們的產品來保護他們的家用與商用電腦,抵禦網路上的威脅。

PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition protects you against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal details. Going online without protection against the latest fast-spreading viruses, worms and Trojans can result in infections within minutes. Once infected, the virus will usually attempt to spread itself to your friends, family and associates by accessing your e-mail contacts and networked PCs. The infection may also allow hackers to access files on your PC, use it to launch attacks against other computers and Websites or to send mass SPAM email. That's why PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition provides world-leading protection, with rapid database updates, OnGuard real-time File, Internet & E-mail protection and comprehensive system scanning to ensure your system remains safe and virus free. PC Tools products are trusted and used by millions of people everyday to protect their home and business computers. VB100 and West Coast Labs Certified.

PC Tools AntiVirus 6 provides enhancements in protection, detection and scanning. This has been achieved through the introduction of next generation sliding signatures, specifically designed to better cater for the significant numbers of threat variants in the wild. PC Tools' next-gen sliding signatures have also delivered performance improvements to scan time and system impact with a further reduced memory footprint and overall system impact during scanning.

免費木馬清除軟件Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 支援vista

Spybot - Search & Destroy can detect and remove a multitude of adware files and modules from your computer. Spybot also can clean program and Web-usage tracks from your system, which is especially useful if you share your computer. Modules chosen for removal can be sent directly to the included file shredder, ensuring complete elimination from your system. For advanced users, it allows you to fix Registry inconsistencies related to adware and to malicious program installations. The handy online-update feature ensures that Spybot always has the most current and complete listings of adware, dialers, and other uninvited system residents.
Version 1.5 features improved detection mechanisms and Windows Vista integration, restored support for Windows 95, more compatibility with Wine, and support for bootable Windows CDs.

免費FLV播放軟件Free FLV Player 1.9

FlvPlayer4Free Free FLV Player is an updated enjoyable application to play FLV files. No need of Flash authoring tool and provides Drag & Drop support(from files, texts, browser links), Multi language function, Full screen and Full resizable options, an useful Always on top function, volume and mute commands and Play, Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward Seeking bar buttons to easily deal with your FLV player.





基於Windows XP MCE 2005 主題 - Energy Blue Theme改制,其中系統舒服的聲音,是這個主題的特色!在看慣了Luna那藍色的臉面或其他第三方主題的千奇百怪後,Royale那淡藍色水晶風格也許能打動你。


免費xp轉vista樣式軟件Vista Transformation Pack 7

The Vista Transformation Pack is for Windows users who want to replicate the look and feel of Windows on their Windows XP or Windows 2003 systems. After using this desktop enhancement to modify your Windows interface to look like Windows Vista ultimate, no one will notice you're using the same old Windows XP (or 2003) operating system.


2) 執行安裝程式後,用家可不斷按 "Next>" , 直至去到一版叫你選擇 Where do you want to aply Vista UI.....? 請按Apply Vista UI transformation to system ,接著按Next 2次。

3) 跟住,佢會叫你勾選你想安裝既項目。請全部勾選。

4) 跟住,按Next之後,佢會彈出一個對話框,表名你個OS既版本。按OK。

5) 接著,用家最後可以選擇System font。請選擇第3項,Segoe UI。

6) 最後,系統便會自動重新開機。

7) 開機後,軟件便會繼續完成安裝,完成後,用家只要再重新開機,就可以用了。

免費硬碟備份DriveImage XML 1.21 支援vista

DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives. The program allows you to backup logical drives and partitions to image files, browse these images, view and extract files, restore these images to the same or a different drive, copy directly from drive to drive. Image creation uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS), allowing you to create safe "hot images" even from drives currently in use. Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools, so you'll never again be stuck with a useless backup. Restore images to drives without having to reboot. DriveImage XML also runs from a WinPE boot CD-ROM.










刪除自動運行的引用:訪問 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run backup

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run winrarshell

,立即刪除並重啟機器清除註冊表:使用註冊表編輯器清除以下註冊項(如果存在):HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run winrarshell

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\bgmHKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run backup






免費硬碟重組軟件 speedrafrag 支援vista

SpeeDefrag is the exclusive freeware program , which optimizes Windows defrag. It restarts your computer, which refreshes the RAM and loads just the defrag.exe program.This imposes minimum load on the system and therefore defragmentation speed is increased.This small software will also shutdown or restart your computer automatically once defrag is over. It supports scheduling of defrag and now it also performs disk checking before defrag.

免費記憶體管理軟件FreeRAM XP Pro 1.52

FreeRAM XP Pro includes automatic memory monitoring and optimization; advanced tray support; fast, threaded freeing with a stop option; multiple system-metric monitors; a simple and attractive GUI; memory reporting and diagnostic logging; and real-time memory information. FreeRAM XP Pro's AutoFree feature intelligently scales how much RAM is freed with your current system status, thus optimizing RAM without slowing down your computer. Additionally, FreeRAM XP Pro's unique Global Memory Compression technology frees memory instantly in a way that is completely unlike other memory managers. FreeRAM XP Pro has been designed to be easy to use yet highly customizable by computer novices and experts alike.

Version 1.52 enables Global Memory Compression by default for all memory freeing operations (this can be disabled through the Settings); adjusts AutoFree to be slightly more conservative when freeing RAM; and fixes a minor installation bug.


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免費防火牆軟件Comodo Firewall

Application Component Authentication - validates all the components of an application before allowing it internet access.
Application Behavior Analysis - analyzes each application behavior and detects any suspicious activity before allowing internet access.
Defense against Trojan Protocols - advanced protocol driver level protection
Smart Alerts - Every alert includes a Security Consideration section with advice to users.
Windows Security Center Integration - Windows XP SP2 recognizes Comodo Firewall Pro
Self Protection against Critical Process Termination - cannot be shut down by Trojans, Spyware or viruses.
PC Security during PC Start Up - includes the option to secure the host while the operating system is booting.
Automatic Updater - includes an interactive automatic updater component so that users can check for updates any time.
Error Reporting Interface - includes an XP style bug reporting interface.
Firewall Logging - reveals all the activities with detailed descriptions of the events.
Security Rules Interface - combines with an easy to use GUI.
Application Activity Control - watches each application in detail by showing addresses, ports and amount of traffic.
Graphical User Interface - enables or disables any part of the firewall with one click
Application Recognition Database - recognizes over 10000 applications and determines their security risks.



免費影片codec解碼工具K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.9

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is a collection of codecs, DirectShow filters and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video formats. The K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is designed as an user-friendly solution for playing all your movie files. With K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even some rare formats.

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes codecs for the most popular compressions like Divx and Xvid as well as some of the less popular but still necesary codecs. It also includes Quicktime and Realplayer codecs.


免費防火牆軟件Jetico Personal Firewall v.

New features in Jetico Personal Firewall v.2
Jetico Personal Firewall v2 runs as privileged Windows service. It can protect computer before user logon.
Native support for Windows XP Fast User Switching and Terminal Services.
Jetico Personal Firewall supports Access Control Lists for all main functions. Administrator can configure ACL to grant access to particular firewall functions for any user or group.
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Security Center support.
User interface
Improved rule editing interface.
New popup message. The new look for popup dialog is presented. Popup message text and rule creation options can be modified.
Firewall variables formerly controlled by Configuration Wizard, are integrated into main application window.
Language file support for easy localization. All translatable words and phrases are taken from single UTF-8 encoded text file.
New XML-based open configuration file format. Detailed documentation is available upon request.
The new version maintains single protected firewall configuration for all users.
Simplified controls for configuration.
New hash handling scheme. Separate table for hash checking.
Each firewall filtering layer has own root table.
New automatic variables (per-connection) for local connections are supported.
Firewall rules
Rules support lists of parameters where possible.
IP rules support IP address ranges.
Low level protocol rules support filtering by MAC address.
Application rules have events for direct and indirect access to network. Indirect access details are also available.
New module for hash checking created.
Application, Process attack and Hash checking rules support wildcards in file paths.
Logging subsystem
Log entries can be associated with rule.
Firewall can create rule based on log information.
New WELF-compatible text log format. WELF is supported by many log analyzers.
Improved log control.

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顯示卡driver ATI Radeon Display Driver with Catalyst Control Center (Windows XP/MCE) 7.7 (07/19/2007)

The release for all Radeon family products updates the AMD Display Driver to version 8.391. This particular software suite updates both the AMD Display Driver and the Catalyst Control Center. The unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability.

免費BT下載軟件Torrent Swapper

Torrent Swapper is an open sourced sociable peer to peer file-sharing client based on the Bittorrent protocol that is ideal for high-speed distribution of large files that has a basic understanding of human friendships, of user tastes in content, and of Internet connectivity between users. Torrent Swapper supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy, and ip-filter.


免費BT客戶端軟件uTorrent 支援vista

uTorrent is a powerful and efficient BitTorrent client for Windows. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in uTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading, and Mainline DHT. Additionally, uTorrent supports the protocol encryption joint specification and peer exchange. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources--typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all.
Version 1.7.5 contains full Vista support, Local Peer Discovery and various fixes and enhancements.


免費圖片瀏覽軟件FastStone Image Viewer3.2

FastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping and color adjustments. Its innovative but intuitive full-screen mode provides quick access to EXIF information, thumbnail browser and major functionalities via hidden toolbars that pop up when your mouse touches the four edges of the screen. Other features include a high quality magnifier and a musical slideshow with 150+ transitional effects, as well as lossless JPEG transitions, drop shadow effects, image annotation, scanner support, histogram and much more. It supports all major graphic formats (BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, animated GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO and TGA) and popular digital camera RAW formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF, SRF and DNG).



免費聯絡人管理軟件Contact1 2.4.9

It's an easy-to-use and powerful contact manager (Address Book). It allows you to keep up with name, addresses, phone #'s, e-mail addresses, personal notes. It is Internet-enabled, so you can click an e-mail address and it will prepare e-mail to that person using your favorite e-mail program, and will also launches web sites! You can also click the phone number to dial that phone number for you. Print contact details, envelopes, or address labels.




免費代碼編輯器Notepad++ 4.2.2

Notepad++ 是在微軟視窗環境之下的一個免費的代碼編輯器。

為了產生小巧且有效率的代碼編輯器,這個在GPL許可證下的自由軟體開發專案採用 win32 api 和 STL 以 C++ 程式語言撰寫成,並且選用功能強大的編輯模組 Scintilla。多虧它的輕巧與執行效率,Notepad++ 可完美地取代微軟視窗的記事本。

免費電腦防護工具Spyware Terminator


100%免費實時保護 警衛系統,保證你面前安裝間諜被截獲.


延長期間掃描、檢測惡意的實時盾牌. 互





iChess is a good looking chess game for your iPhone.

免費電腦防護工具 Ad-Aware Free Anti-Malware 8.2

產品信息 Ad-Aware SE Personal 所知仍然最受歡迎的反間諜產品,電腦用戶世界每週近百萬下載. 自由反間諜版讓你免受間諜暗中運作,掌管你的電腦,廣告流行造成侵略性電腦活動,甚至透過身分盜竊銀行被竊詳情密碼信用卡帳號. 如果你想要實質掃描能力,考慮升級 Ad-Aware SE Personal 防護間諜軟體. 我們隨時歡迎您的更新.

With behavior-based threat detection and integrated real-time monitoring, Ad-Aware focuses on core consumer security needs. Instead of adding layers of bells and whistles--thereby slowing your computer and scans down--we have decided to focus on what really matters. Ad-Aware provides advanced threat protection, and is significantly lighter and faster than our previous versions.
