Search, download and convert multiple videos from websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Yahoo, MegaUpload, Veoh and more with a single click of your mouse. The embedded meta search engine, bulk download feature, scheduler, and usable interface set VDownloader apart from other download managers. VDownloader can download and save videos in: AVI, MPG, MP4, iPhone-iPod, PSP, 3GP for mobile phones, DVD-VCD, MP3 (extracting audio from videos) and the output profiles are completely flexible so you can configure them however you wish. VDownloader Plus is also a powerful video converter since it's possible to convert files which have already been saved to disk.
VDownloader是一款全面、易用的視頻下載軟件!我們一直致力於優化特性以及應用更多的新特徵讓您的體驗更加舒服。該軟件目前包含的一些特 點有:
- 視頻保存格式有 AVI, MPG, iPOD/iPHONE, PSP, 3GP, NOKIA N8×0, VCD, SVCD, DVD, FLV or MP3 (僅音頻) 並支持輸出視頻到移動設備
- 調整寫入視頻的輸出解決方案和/或幀率來節省磁盤空間
- 只需僅僅一點就可在眾多的視頻網站中進行全部搜索,結果就可以彙總和排序出來
- 使用嵌入的瀏覽器來搜索視頻速度更快。使用了VDownloader您就無需在眾多的標籤上浪費寶貴的時間
下載地址(download link):