Gadwin PrintScreen allows much more flexibility with that Print Screen button at the top of your keyboard. Usually when you hit the Print Screen button it loads the current screen into your clipboard. To save the image you have to open up an image-editing application, paste it, then save the file. Gadwin's free PrintScreen streamlines this whole process. It sits in your System Tray, and you can set a number of options. When you hit print screen (or whichever button you specify), you can choose to save the screen directly to a specific folder. You can also choose to save just a window, or a specific area of the screen. The application also gives you the option of sending the screen capture directly to your printer or as an email, and it will even automatically resize the picture to specified dimensions. You can select the type of image you want to save.
Gadwin PrintScreen是一個免費的截圖工具,能完美的滿足你想要實現的功能,消除了很多沒必要的功能和設置,操作簡潔,可將截圖自動連續地命名輸出文 件。
下載地址(download link):http://download.cnet.com/3001-2094_4-10123018.html?spi=de8fab48fc6b8548d9bf2d89f8d43232