Process Explorer is an advanced process management utility that picks up where Task Manager leaves off. It will show you detailed information about a process including its icon, command-line, full image path, memory statistics, user account, security attributes, and more. When you zoom in on a particular process you can list the DLLs it has loaded or the operating system resource handles it has open. The top always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window, which you can close, depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in if it is in handle mode you will see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened, if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you will see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.
您曾經想過特定的檔案或目錄是由哪個程式開啟的嗎?現在您可以輕易取得這個資訊。Process Explorer 會顯示已開啟或載入的控制碼和 DLL 處理程式。
Process Explorer 是由兩個子視窗所組成的。上方的視窗永遠會顯示目前使用中處理程式的清單 (包括所屬的帳戶名稱)。而下方的視窗則會根據 Process Explorer 所處的模式來顯示相關資訊:如果處於控制碼模式,您會看到在上方視窗選取之處理程式已開啟的控制碼。Process Explorer 處於 DLL 模式時,則會看到處理程式已載入的 DLL 和記憶體對應檔案。Process Explorer 也具備強大的搜尋功能,可快速顯示處理程式開啟的控制碼或載入的 DLL。
這個獨特的 Process Explorer 功能可讓您追蹤 DLL 版本問題或控制碼遺漏,並深入探索 Windows 和應用程式的作業方式。
Process Explorer 可在 Windows 9x/Me、Windows NT 4.0、Windows 2000、Windows XP、Server 2003、64 位元版本的 Windows for x64 和 IA64 處理器,以及 Windows Vista 中作業。
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