LGS 是網路圍棋對奕網站,如果您想進來下棋,請先下載我們對奕軟體,在下載安裝後,啟動 LGC 時會有 "註冊新帳號" 可以選擇,填寫您想要的帳號名稱、email 電子郵件信箱,及您的全名,再點選確定,我們會寄出您的密碼到您的電子郵件信箱,記得再去領取帳號的密碼信就可以進站下棋了。
LGS is a go server. You can play, observe, discuss go games here. There are usually thousands of players online. Welcome to join us! Download LGC now; install and run it, and then press register button. Followed the registration process you will receive a registration email with your password.
下載地址(download link):