Comodo Internet Security is the free, multi-layered security application that protects your computer against internal and external attacks from viruses, Trojans, worms, buffer overflows, spyware and hackers. Built from the ground upwards with your security in mind, CIS combines powerful Antivirus protection, an enterprise class packet filtering firewall and an advanced host intrusion prevention system called Defense plus in one supremely powerful application. Version 4.0 sees a major leap forward in security and usability with the addition of the new auto sandboxing feature - an isolated operating environment for unknown applications. Under default settings, unknown and untrusted applications are now automatically sandboxed so that they cannot make permanent changes to other processes, programs or data on your 'real' system.
Comodo Internet Security的功能簡介:
- 包含防護盾、防毒軟體與防火牆三大部分。
- 在防毒部分能主動進行病毒監控、病毒碼更新與排程掃描。
- 在防火牆部份能設定要封鎖或放行的程式、連接埠、特定的網路連線等。
- 防護盾部分則是採用主機體入侵防護系統(HIPS)可以保護你的電腦避免被未知或隱密的程序攻擊。在完整掃瞄過後,所有的系統設定都會被記錄,如 果有新的活動都必須經過允許才能放行。從保護清單中可以知道哪些程式已受到保護,封鎖清單中知道哪些程式已被鎖住。
- 防毒軟體與防火牆可選擇性安裝,不必全部安裝。
- 在安裝過程中有附帶Comodo 的瀏覽器工具列(Ask Toolbar),如果不想安裝可將它勾選掉,如果不小心安裝可到【控制台】-【新增 或移除程式中】將它移除。
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