
免費記憶體優化軟件 MaxMem 1.04

AnalogX MaxMem is a realtime physical memory management program that automatically ensures that you always have as much physical memory available as possible. It does this by allowing you to set minimum amounts of memory to be made available under certain circumstance, and then passively monitoring how much system resources are being used. It runs in the system tray, and also shows you exactly how much memory you have available, plus graphs how you've been using memory over the last 60 seconds.

AnalogX MaxMem是一款免費軟件,讓你的電腦不被沒用的東西佔滿記憶體。使用方法非常簡單,檔案大小也只有235kb。開啟程式後軟件便會開始替你工作,完完全全不用半點設定。啟動後60秒替你清理一次,或是你也可以右鍵點擊畫面右下角的圖示來做清理。

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