
免費看圖軟件 XnView 1.97.7

XnView 提供了我們一個快速瀏覽及管理圖片的解決方案,同時它也提供了影像編輯、格式轉換等功能。XnView 支援四百餘種不同的格式,同時也能將它們轉換成其他不同的格式,例如:GIF、BMP、JPEG、PNG 等。XnView 同時也能顯示播放影片格式,並支援多數的數位相機所拍攝的格式,並且它也支援了 EXIF 圖片資訊的讀取。更提供了特效及濾鏡功能,讓我們可以為圖片加上馬賽克、雜訊、高斯模糊、銳化等處理。

XnView is a fast multi-format graphics browser, viewer, and converter. It can read more than 400 file formats, e.g. GIF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TARGA, multipage TIFF, camera RAW, JPEG 2000, MPEG, AVI, Quicktime. EXIF and IPTC metadata are also supported. The image viewer has an Explorer-like browser that allows quick and simple browsing of directory contents. XnView supports red eye correction, crops and transforms JPEG images losslessly, generates HTML pages and contact sheets, and provides batch conversion and batch renaming. Slide shows with transitions effects, screen capturing, WIA and TWAIN support (scanner and digital cameras), image comparison, file operations.

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