
免費惡意程式清除工具Norton Power Eraser

The NEW Norton Power Eraser takes on difficult to detect crimeware known as "scareware" or "rogueware" that cybercriminals use to trick you into unknowingly downloading threats onto your PC. This growing form of crimeware uses bogus pop-up alerts or security messages that scare you into thinking your PC has been infected and needs to be fixed immediately. It can be so tricky that it automatically downloads onto your PC even if you didn’t actively click on anything! The Norton Power Eraser is specially designed to aggressively target and eliminate this type of crimeware and restore your PC back to health.

諾頓的這個Norton Power Eraser清除工具主要是針對一般防毒軟體所無法偵測、清除的「Crimeware」,也就是一系列具有危害使用者權益、盜取信用卡資料或帳號密碼... 等行為的惡意程式。

透過Norton Power Eraser,可掃除深度嵌入、難以移除的各種惡意程式,但如果真的找到可疑程式的話,建議先仔細檢查一下再進行處理,避免錯傷無辜。

下載地址(download link):
(進去後按Download Norton Power Eraser)
