SpywareBlaster doesn't scan for and clean spyware--it prevents it from being installed in the first place. SpywareBlaster prevents the installation of ActiveX-based spyware, adware, dialers, browser hijackers, and other potentially unwanted programs. It can also block spyware/tracking cookies in IE, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, and many other browsers, and restrict the actions of spyware/ad/tracking sites. With the built-in Check for Updates feature, you can help ensure your protection is up-to-date. SpywareBlaster also includes a System Snapshot feature, which lets you take a snapshot of your computer in its clean state and later revert, undoing many changes made by spyware and browser hijackers.
SpywareBlaster不掃描和清理間諜軟件 - 它可以防止它被安裝在首位。 SpywareBlaster阻止安裝 ActiveX為基礎的間諜軟件,廣告軟件,撥號器,瀏覽器劫持,和其他潛在有害程序。它也可以阻止間諜軟件 /跟踪Cookie在IE,Mozilla的火狐,網景,以及許多其他瀏覽器,並限制行動的間諜軟件 /廣告 /跟踪站點。隨著內置的檢查更新功能,可以幫助確 保您的保護是現代的。 SpywareBlaster還包括系統快照功能,它可以讓你把你的電腦快照在其清潔的狀態,後來恢復,撤消了許多變化,間諜軟件和瀏 覽器劫持。
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