Orbit Downloader, leader of download manager revolution, is devoted to new generation web (web2.0) downloading, such as video/music/files from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, Rapidshare. And to make general downloading easier and faster.
* 1. Tag make you manage your download files easily
* 2. Download social music, social video and streaming media
* 3. Extreme download acceleration.
* 4. Super Light: micro-sized and resource-friendly
* 5. Support RapidShare download.
* 6. Support IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera.
* 7. Support Metalink download.
* 8. Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP and RTMP protocols.
* 9. Support Proxy server configuration.
* 10.Support download pasue and resume.
* 11.General download management.
軌道下載,下載經 理革命領袖,致力於新一代網絡(2.0)下載,如視頻 /音樂 /文件從 MySpace,YouTube等Imeem上,潘多拉,RapidShare的。而為了讓一般的下載更加 方便快捷。
* 1。標籤讓你輕鬆管 理你的下載文件
* 2。社會音樂下載,視頻 和流媒體的社會
* 3。極端的下載加速。
* 4。超輕:微小尺寸和資源友好
* 5。支持RapidShare的下載。
* 6。支持IE,火狐,傲遊,歌劇。
* 7。支持Metalink公司下載。
* 8。支持HTTP,HTTPS和FTP, 彩信,RTSP和RTMP協議議定書。
* 9。支持代理服務器配置。
* 10.Support下載 pasue和恢復。
* 11.General下載管理。
下載地址(download link)