Disk fragmentation is generally main cause of slow and unstable computer performance. Smart Defrag helps defragment your hard drive most efficiently. Smart Defrag not only defragments computer deeply but optimizes disk performance. With 'install it and forget it' feature, Smart Defrag works automatically and quietly in the background on your PC, keeping your hard disk running at its speediest. Smart Defrag is complete free for home, organization, and business.
磁盤碎片的主要原因是一般的緩慢和不穩定的計 算機的性能。智能磁盤整理您的硬盤驅動器進行碎片整理有助於最有效。智能磁盤整理進行碎片整理的電腦不僅深深地但優化磁盤性能。隨著'安裝它,忘記它的功能,智能自 動碎片整理工程在後台悄悄地在你的電腦,使您的硬盤上運行最快在。智能碎片整理是完全自由的家庭,組織和業 務。
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