免費燒錄軟件 BurnAware Free 3.0.6
BurnAware Free is a free CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc burning software. It is ideal for users with basic disc burning needs as backup, creating data, audio, video discs and burning disc images. Free, easy to set up and maintain, it enables you to save your files to disc quickly and provides a more flexible interface to help you complete your burning tasks much faster.
BurnAware Free 是一個免費光盤刻錄軟件。它非常適合用戶需要的基本的光盤刻錄作為備份,創建數據,音頻,視頻光盤和刻錄光盤的圖像。免費,易於安裝和維護,它可以讓您 將您的文件到光盤速度,並提供一個更加靈活的接口,以幫助您完成您的刻錄任務快得多。
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免費間諜軟件清理工具 SpywareBlaster 4.3

SpywareBlaster doesn't scan for and clean spyware--it prevents it from being installed in the first place. SpywareBlaster prevents the installation of ActiveX-based spyware, adware, dialers, browser hijackers, and other potentially unwanted programs. It can also block spyware/tracking cookies in IE, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, and many other browsers, and restrict the actions of spyware/ad/tracking sites. With the built-in Check for Updates feature, you can help ensure your protection is up-to-date. SpywareBlaster also includes a System Snapshot feature, which lets you take a snapshot of your computer in its clean state and later revert, undoing many changes made by spyware and browser hijackers.
SpywareBlaster不掃描和清理間諜軟件 - 它可以防止它被安裝在首位。 SpywareBlaster阻止安裝 ActiveX為基礎的間諜軟件,廣告軟件,撥號器,瀏覽器劫持,和其他潛在有害程序。它也可以阻止間諜軟件 /跟踪Cookie在IE,Mozilla的火狐,網景,以及許多其他瀏覽器,並限制行動的間諜軟件 /廣告 /跟踪站點。隨著內置的檢查更新功能,可以幫助確 保您的保護是現代的。 SpywareBlaster還包括系統快照功能,它可以讓你把你的電腦快照在其清潔的狀態,後來恢復,撤消了許多變化,間諜軟件和瀏 覽器劫持。
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免費磁碟重組工具 Auslogics Disk Defrag
Disk Defrag will speed up your computer by optimizing file system. It can defragment files, consolidate free space and move system files to the faster part of the disk. With Disk Defrag you'll get the maximum out of your hard drive performance. It is supplied with a powerful engine and smart algorithms which allow Disk Defrag to run much faster than similar tools. And with its comprehensive reports you will always be aware of what have been done. Disk Defrag features: fast and safe defragmentation of the disk drives; optimization of clusters' structure and file system for even better disk performance; useful disk fragmentation map that displays defragmentation process in real time; simple and intuitive user interface; comprehensive defragmentation report; extremely low system resources usage. Running Auslogics Disk Defrag at least once a weak assures your hard disks are optimized for maximum performance.
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免費磁碟重組工具Smart Defrag 1.45

Disk fragmentation is generally main cause of slow and unstable computer performance. Smart Defrag helps defragment your hard drive most efficiently. Smart Defrag not only defragments computer deeply but optimizes disk performance. With 'install it and forget it' feature, Smart Defrag works automatically and quietly in the background on your PC, keeping your hard disk running at its speediest. Smart Defrag is complete free for home, organization, and business.
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免費下載管理工具 Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader, leader of download manager revolution, is devoted to new generation web (web2.0) downloading, such as video/music/files from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, Rapidshare. And to make general downloading easier and faster.
* 1. Tag make you manage your download files easily
* 2. Download social music, social video and streaming media
* 3. Extreme download acceleration.
* 4. Super Light: micro-sized and resource-friendly
* 5. Support RapidShare download.
* 6. Support IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera.
* 7. Support Metalink download.
* 8. Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP and RTMP protocols.
* 9. Support Proxy server configuration.
* 10.Support download pasue and resume.
* 11.General download management.
軌道下載,下載經 理革命領袖,致力於新一代網絡(2.0)下載,如視頻 /音樂 /文件從 MySpace,YouTube等Imeem上,潘多拉,RapidShare的。而為了讓一般的下載更加 方便快捷。
* 1。標籤讓你輕鬆管 理你的下載文件
* 2。社會音樂下載,視頻 和流媒體的社會
* 3。極端的下載加速。
* 4。超輕:微小尺寸和資源友好
* 5。支持RapidShare的下載。
* 6。支持IE,火狐,傲遊,歌劇。
* 7。支持Metalink公司下載。
* 8。支持HTTP,HTTPS和FTP, 彩信,RTSP和RTMP協議議定書。
* 9。支持代理服務器配置。
* 10.Support下載 pasue和恢復。
* 11.General下載管理。
下載地址(download link)