Metin2 is an English version of an ever fascinating online RPG game, which introduces a newer style of combat that is not available in most online RPG's out there. Players from all over world may join in teams and engage in a fast paced dynamic battle system. Unlike most MMORPG's, Metin2 gives players a direct control over their character's attacks. Rather than issuing a command, player is able to inflict a more strategic and intense attack. Metin2 is composed of many different types of quests, battles, guild wars and other functionalities.
metin2是英語版是一個有趣的在線RPG遊戲,其中介紹了一種更新式的戰鬥是不容易在MMORPG出現。玩家從各地世界可能加入隊伍,並進行了快節奏的動態戰鬥系統。不同於大多數MMORPG遊戲的, metin2讓玩家直接控制其性質的攻擊。而非發出命令,玩家是能夠使人更具戰略性的激烈攻擊。 metin2組成許多不同類型的追求,戰役,戰爭會館及其他功能。