Fast and effective recovery software. Can efficiently scan and recover data from FAT and NTFS. Scanning time is very short, 30GB scanned in several seconds is very good result. For bigger partitions scanning economy is even greater. DDR also recover data loss by 'shift-delete' on FAT partitions, recover any data fragments from drive, search disc through many criterion, and searching data directly on HDD, for example scanning free clusters in search for our file. DDR allows to recover entire directory, gives chance to view graphic files before recovering.
快速有效恢復軟件。能有效地掃描和恢復數據,從fat和ntfs 。掃描時間很短, 30g的掃描幾秒鐘,是非常好的結果。更大的掃描間隔經濟更大。復員也恢復數據丟失'移刪除'對脂肪間隔,收回任何數據片段驅動,搜索光盤通過許多標準,並尋找數據直接對硬盤,例如免費掃描集群搜尋檔案的。復員允許收回整個目錄,讓有機會以圖形檔案,然後恢復。