

Phlog is a photoblogging community. It is the easiest way to share photos from your camera phone or digital camera with your friends and family. By sending your photos via MMS or Email from your mobile, Mac, or PC to your very own phlog at phlog.net/user/yourname, you are instantly making them available to a select group of people or the world at large. They can then comment on your photos and you can visit their photos.
Phlog is also great for storing and organizing your photos. For example, you can keep all the photos you ever make on phlog and don't need to move them when you change your computer or phone. We're your secure and easy back-up. We also give you all you'll need to organize your photos: besides the standard phlog layout, you can put your photos into albums or give them tags. Tags are little keywords that characterize the photo, like "red, rose, England". You and your friends can then instantly find that photo through looking at all the photos tagged with red, rose, or England.

phlog是photoblogging社區。這是最簡單的方式分享照片從您的拍照手機或數碼相機與你的朋友和家人。通過發送你的照片通過彩信或電子郵件,從你的手機中,陸委會,或個人電腦,以你自己phlog在phlog.net /用戶/ yourname ,你立刻使它們提供給專責組的人,或於世界。他們便可以評論你的照片,你也可以訪問他們的照片。

phlog是,又是偉大的儲存和組織你的照片。例如,你可以保留所有照片,你就phlog ,並不需要動之時,你可以改變電腦或手機。我們正在您的安全和方便備份。我們也給你所有你需要組織好你的照片問:除了標準phlog佈局,你可以把你的照片到相冊,或給他們的標籤。標籤是很少關鍵詞特點的圖片,如"紅,玫瑰,英格蘭" 。您和您的朋友就可以即時找到的照片,通過看所有的照片貼上了紅,玫瑰,或英格蘭。
