免費mac os專用pdf軟件 Haihaisoft Reader 1.0 for Mac
Haihaisoft Reader 是一個免費軟件,它是一個pdf閱讀軟件,支援DRM-X platform的pdf檔案,軟件設有多國語言,包括繁體中文。
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Any Video Converter 3.1.7 可轉換影片格式/下載youtube影片
Any Video Converter is an all-in-one video converting freeware with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed, and excellent video quality. It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, RMVB, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, and AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player, or smartphones.
Any Video Converter 是一個免費軟件,它是個免費且易用的影片轉檔軟件,擁有著數百萬的使用者。它可以讓我們在各不同的影片格式做轉換,支援許多常見的影片格式,例如:AVI、 MPEG、RMVB、WMV、RM、MP4、VOB…等。此外,它更允許我們下載並轉換 YouTube 上的影片,而且只要輸入 YouTube 影片網址,就可以很輕鬆地完成下載及轉換兩個工作,十分適合一般用家使用。
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Disk Drill 1.0.66 for Mac 可救回Mac OS 上誤刪的檔案
Disk Drill is a free Mac data recovery software designed natively for Mac OS: easily recover deleted files on Mac from external or internal hard drives, memory cards, etc. CleverFiles Mac Data Recovery also protects data by introducing Recovery Vault to ensure guaranteed Mac data recovery from HFS/HFS+/FAT file systems. It handles Mac data recovery from any, even formatted or raw, media. CleverFiles Mac recovery software finds any data if it wasn't overwritten and supports any file system by offering Deep & Quick Scan data recovery methods right on your Mac.
So if your hard drive was damaged, or you accidentally deleted your favorite photos, music, videos and other data, no worries about data loss. Disk Drill will recover deleted files on Mac from your disk, camera, memory card, etc. And it's absolutely free now!
More than that Disk Drill features Recovery Vault technology, which helps you protect your files and prevent data loss in future. When something is deleted Recovery Vault makes it possible to recover not only the file itself, but also its properties, such as original file name, location, etc. So you will always be able to recover data from Mac files system (HFS/HFS+) & FAT32 partitions. If you don't want someone to undelete what you deleted but is still protected by Recovery Vault, you can specify Master Password to protect your configuration of Disk Drill, Mac data recovery software by CleverFiles. So using Disk Drill you will have a free Mac data recovery software which you can use on multiple Macs to ensure flawless Mac recovery in case of data damage or loss!
Disk Drill是一套檔案救援軟體,可以支援的磁碟格式包括Mac的HFS、HFS+還有FAT,支援內建和外接磁碟或記憶卡,它提供了「深層掃瞄」的功能,只要你遺失、誤刪的檔案,在磁碟上沒有被覆寫過,基本上應該就能救得回來。
另外,Disk Drill還提供了「Recovery Vault」的功能,也就是先設定你要受到保護的磁碟,接下來軟體會監控這個磁碟上的檔案,如過要刪除這個磁碟上的檔案時,會先問你,而且也可以很容易地將刪除的檔案救援回來。
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免費圖片編輯軟件 Photo Pos Pro 1.83
Photo Pos Pro allows you easily create, edit, enhance, print, and manipulate your digital photos and computer graphics, and easily create eye-catching graphics, beautiful collages, greeting cards, business cards, website designs, buttons and much more. Though the Photo Pos Pro photo editor is a powerful program, it contains an extremely user-friendly interface enabling you to work intuitively. The software includes complete help system, free step-by-step tutorials and Hundreds of pre-made templates, vectorial objects, photo frames, patterns, textures, styles and shapes--all to accelerate your work and make it fun and easy.
Photo Pos Pro 是一個免費軟件,它是一個免費的圖片和CG編輯工具,支持多種圖片格式、支持掃瞄儀和數碼相機、包括圖像增強和編輯工具、Rich文本工具、支持特效、圖層和模版、支持紋理、支持腳本和批量操作。
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Stickies 7.1a 免費桌面便利貼
Stickies is a PC utility written to replace Post-It-style notes left stuck to your monitor. The design goal behind Stickies is that the program is small and simple. Stickies will not mess with your system files, or write to the Registry. Stickies stores all information in a single text-based INI file. Stickies will never support animated dancing figures, or play "Greensleeves". They are instead yellow rectangular windows onto which you can put some text notes. Once created, they will stay on screen until you take them away. Just like a real sticky piece of paper.
Stickies 是一個免費軟件,它是一個虛擬桌面便利貼,使用者可在便利貼上寫字,提醒自己要做什麼。
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免費圖片壓縮軟件 FileMinimizer Pictures 3.0
Now you can upload and share your over sized photos and images easily online on Facebook. With FILEminimizer Pictures 3's automatic Facebook upload feature you will never waste time again waiting for your large photos to be uploaded or sent via email. This free software reduces, without zipping, the size of your images and photos by up to 98%, that is a 3.0 MB photo can be reduced down to 0.2 MB or even less. As a result, the optimized images can easily be sent via email and shared on social networks and photo sharing sites like Flickr. FileMinimizer Pictures uses balesio's native format optimization technology which preserves the original image format. After compression, photos and images remain in the original file format and are still just as beautiful as before, only 25x smaller in size.
FileMinimizer Pictures 是一個免費軟件,它可以把圖片壓縮,最高可壓縮到原本圖片檔案大小的1/25,處理好後還可以直接把圖片上傳到facebook。
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免費防毒軟件 Ad-Aware Free Internet Security 9.0
Ad-Aware Free provides core protection against Internet threats. Featuring real-time anti-malware protection, advanced Genotype detection technology, rootkit protection, a scheduler, Ad-Aware Free Internet Security gives you the power to protect yourself online. Ad-Aware Free version is a complete malware protection that now combines Lavasoft's pioneer technology for anti-spyware with traditional anti-virus protection.
Ad-Aware Free Internet Security 是一個免費軟件,它是一個防毒軟件,雖然是免費但仍能提供防惡意軟件,防間諜軟件和防病毒三大功能。
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免費mac os專用音樂轉檔軟件 All2MP3 2.0813 for Mac
All2MP3 convert the most used audio and video formats directly to MP3. You can Drag & Drop, add or open with, for add audio to All2MP3. Take it easy with your music. MPC, APE, WV, FLAC, OGG, WMA, AIFF, WAV to MP3
All2MP3 是一個免費軟件,它是一個音頻轉換小工具。只需通過簡單的拖拽操作,便可以將APE, MPC, FLAC, WV, OGG, WMA, AIFF or WAV 直接轉換成mp3文件。
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免費防毒軟件 ClamWin Antivirus 0.96.5
ClamWin Antivirus is antivirus software for Windows. It provides a graphical user interface to the Clam AntiVirus engine. ClamWin uses the GNU General Public License. ClamWin Antivirus comes with an installer and open source code at no cost. It features: scanning scheduler, automatic virus database updates, atandalone virus scanner, integration to MS Windows Explorer, and add-in to MS Outlook.
ClamWin是一套功能非常優秀的免費防毒軟體。它的體積非常嬌小,不會佔用太多電腦資源,不像其他防毒軟體安裝之後會拖累整台電腦的速度。而且除了強 大的檔案與電子郵件防護能力之外,它還擁有排程掃描、線上更新病毒碼、及時偵測等功能,唯一的缺點是沒有即時防護功能。
官方網站 (official site)
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免費帳號密碼管理軟件 LastPass Password Manager 1.70.1
LastPass Password Manager 是一個免費軟件,此軟件可幫你儲存眾多的登入密碼及登入名稱,讓你免去記各網站密碼的痛苦。此外,軟件可以替用家生成複雜密碼,簡單易用,保安佳,甚獲好評的軟體。
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免費pdf閱讀軟件 PDF-XChange Viewer
PDF-XChange Viewer allows users to View Adobe compatible PDF files and perform additional functionality. It features viewing, printing, exporting PDF's to numerous image based file types, page commenting and annotations, type directly on a PDF page, simple find, and advanced search.
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免費下載工具 Light Downloader 1.1.1
Light Downloader is a download manager that accelerates your downloads by splitting the files into several parts and downloading them simultaneously. As a result download speed increases up to 600%, or even more! Light Downloader can also resume broken downloads so you needn't start downloading from the beginning after casual interruption. Light Downloader supports FTP, HTTP and HTTPS. Proxy is also supported.
Light Downloader 是一個免費軟件, 它是一個下載管理工具,把文件分成多塊同時下載,能夠加速文件下載速度600%,便可斷點續傳,支持FTP、HTTP、HTTPS,支持代理。
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免費mac 防火牆軟件 WaterRoof 3.2 for Mac
WaterRoof is a firewall management frontend with bandwidth tuning, NAT setup, port redirection, dynamic rules tracking, predefined rule sets, wizard, logs, statistics and other features. With WaterRoof you can set up the IPFW built-in firewall easily and quickly. With the NAT Setup feature you can fine-tune your internet sharing for the home LAN, or you can also set up a full-featured dual-homed firewall for your network. Rules and network option can be stored and loaded at boot time. WaterRoof is only a frontend so it makes use of system tools: this means that when you have finished configuring/testing your firewall, you can safely delete WaterRoof from your system, without loosing your rules. Bandwidth settings, firewall rules, NAT rules, forwarding, logging and other options will be preserved and activated at boot using launchd, following Apple guidelines. This means that WaterRoof is quite safe because it does not install any strange kernel extension or background daemon. You can also download and check WaterRoof source code, it's open. WaterRoof can be used to learn how ipfw works: you can use predefined rule sets to test firewall behaviour, or you can use the wizard to start from scratch with a step-by-step configuration. But WaterRoof can also be used to deeply configure a ipfw firewall/router, using every ipfw option including qos (dummynet queues). English documentation included. Source code available at my web site. WaterRoof is freeware and open-source.
隨著WaterRoof您可以設置的IPFW的內置防火牆方便,快捷。隨著NAT設置功能,您可以微調您的 Internet共享家庭局域網,或者您也可以設置為您的網絡功能齊全的雙宿主防火牆。規則和網絡選項可以存儲並在啟動時加載的。
WaterRoof 可以用來學習如何ipfw的工作:您可以使用預定義的規則集來測試防火牆的行為,也可以使用該嚮導從頭開始,一步一步的配置。但WaterRoof也可以用於深入配置ipfw的防火牆/路由器,利用一切ipfw的選擇,包括流量整形(dummynet隊列)。
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免費錄音軟件 Moo0 VoiceRecorder 1.28
Moo0 VoiceRecorder is a very simple sound recorder. It is very easy to use, and you can start recording your voice just by one click. It currently supports only Wave and MP3 format to encode the sound into.
Moo0 VoiceRecorder是一個免費軟件,它是一個錄音工具,容易使用,可將錄下來的聲音轉成wav或mp3。
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免費虛擬桌面軟件 Portable VirtuaWin 4.3
Using a virtual desktop manager you will be able to organize applications over several "virtual" desktops. Portable VirtuaWin application was designed to be a simple, easy use yet still highly configurable and extensible virtual desktop manager. Virtual desktops are very common in the Unix community and once getting used to this, it is very hard to manage without it.
Portable VirtuaWin 是一個免費軟件,它是一個小巧快速的虛擬桌面管理工具,功能簡潔實用, 在system tray中顯示當時的桌面。它非常簡單而易於使用。
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免費系統側邊欄工具 Desktop Sidebar v1.05 Build 116
Desktop Sidebar is docked to the edge of the screen and it is always visible. It displays e-mails, appointments, task, notes, Messenger contacts, stock quotes, weather forecasts and constantly updated news from blogs, RSS newsfeeds and Web pages.
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免費系統清除軟件 Glary Utilities
One Click A Day For PC Maintenance, Keeps Any PC Problems Away. With millions of worldwide users, the first-rank & free Glary Utilities is an indispensable friend for your PC, with its 100% safe, thorough & quick cleaning and worry-free restoration. Glary Utilities is a freeware with registry and disk cleaning, privacy protection, performance accelerator and amazing multifunctional tools. It can fix dogged registry errors, wipe off clutters, optimize internet speed, safeguard confidential files and maintain maximum performance. It is designed for both novice and professionals. User-friendly interface shows clear & detailed directions.
Glary Utilities是一個免費軟件。它是一個多功能系統清理工具,它的功能類似 CCleaner,能夠修理、加速、增強和保護你的電腦,可以清理硬碟、修復系統登錄檔,還有記憶體管理、啟動項目管理、移除程式等功能,還有「滑鼠右鍵選單管理工具」可以幫你把一些沒用的項目給刪除掉!這是 CCleaner 所沒有的功能哦。
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免費系統清除軟件 CCleaner 3.00.1303
免費記憶體優化軟件 MaxMem 1.04
免費系統優化軟件 GIGATweaker 3.1.3 build 460
免費mac 下載管理工具 Folx 1.0 for Mac
Folx is an essential 2 in 1 download tool. It is easy-to-use, not overloaded with unnecessary features and at the same time it has everything you may need for fast and convenient downloading. All you need to do to download something is click the link in an Internet browser and Folx will start downloading for you. Not only you can download any files from the web, but also you can download torrent content from various torrent trackers. Folx is a free download manager for Mac that is fast thanks to splitting downloads into threads; it also features auto resuming in case the download was interrupted for some reason.
Folx will also make you forget about the mess in your download folder! You can assign a tag or several tags to each download task and easily find them whenever you need them even if they were downloaded long ago.
You can also set the priority for each download task and control the download and upload speed with handy sliders.
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免費 mac 網絡瀏覽器軟件 Camino 2.0.5 for Mac
Camino combines the awesome visual and behavioral experience that has been central to the Macintosh philosophy with the powerful web-browsing capabilities of the Gecko rendering engine. Built and tested by thousands of volunteers, Mozilla's Gecko brings cutting-edge innovations and capabilities to users in a standards-friendly and socially responsible form.
官方網站(official site)
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免費字典軟件 Dictionary .NET 3.0.3960
Dictionary .NET is a tiny, easy and smart multilingual dictionary translating from/to 65 languages using Google's services. Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese-simp, Chinese-trad, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Gujarati, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Marathi, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Georgian, Urdu. Integrates Google Dictionary, Translate, Search, Suggest, Virtual Keyboard, Text To Speech, Wikipedia search, Bing wallpaper, and more Google APIs without installing them.
Dictionary .NET is a tiny and smart multilingual dictionary translating from/to 66 languages 是一個免費字典軟件。它是一個小型, 智能的多國語言字典、全文翻譯, 網頁搜尋多合一工具, 軟件支持66種語言。
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[Symbian S60]免費文書處理軟件 Quickoffice Pro Viewer 6.3 for Symbian
Quickoffice 6 Pro Viewer is application allowing to View native Microsoft Office 2007 and earlier Word Documents (DOCX), Excel Spreadsheets (XLSX), PowerPoint Presentations (PPTX) on S60 3rd and 5th Edition devices. The Quickoffice integrated application suite is the essential office productivity tool for Mobile Professionals, Business, Education and Individuals.
Quickoffice是一個symbian s60系統上的免費軟件,它集成應用套件是教育和Individuals.Quickoffice essential officeproductivity工具手機專家,商業,是受信任和用戶使用的移動與整體數以百萬計180個國家和地區。
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進入後,選取Get App/獲取應用程序,然後選擇你的手機型號即可
免費鈴聲制作軟件 Free Ringtone Maker Platinum 適合iphone, nokia, htc等電話使用
Free Ringtone Maker Platinum is the ultimate solution for making ringtones from many audio sources for almost all mobile phones including Apple iPhone, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Samsung. You can edit your sound files visually on the zoomable waveform and direct cut your audios. It also comes with an elegant interface and allows you to accurately select any segment & output the selection as exactly as you want by specifying configuration.
Free Ringtone Maker Platinum是一個免費軟件,用來制作電話專用的鈴聲。軟件容易使用,制作出來的鈴聲適合iphone、 nokia、 htc等電話使用。
官方網站 (official site)
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免費記憶體優化軟件 MaxMem 1.04
AnalogX MaxMem is a realtime physical memory management program that automatically ensures that you always have as much physical memory available as possible. It does this by allowing you to set minimum amounts of memory to be made available under certain circumstance, and then passively monitoring how much system resources are being used. It runs in the system tray, and also shows you exactly how much memory you have available, plus graphs how you've been using memory over the last 60 seconds.
AnalogX MaxMem是一款免費軟件,讓你的電腦不被沒用的東西佔滿記憶體。使用方法非常簡單,檔案大小也只有235kb。開啟程式後軟件便會開始替你工作,完完全全不用半點設定。啟動後60秒替你清理一次,或是你也可以右鍵點擊畫面右下角的圖示來做清理。
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免費DVD影碟制作工具 Free Sonne DVD Creator
With Sonne DVD Creator, you can create DVD by various video formats such as AVI, DivX, Xvid, MPEG, WMV, MP4, MOV, RM. And you can play the DVDs on portable or home DVD player. In addition to creating DVDs with multiple video formats, you can create DVD movies by setting NTSC or PAL video standard, 4:3 or 16:9 video aspects and 720x480/720x576 video resolutions. What's more, plenty of DVD menu templates can be selected here.
Sonne DVD Creator 是一個免費軟件,它可以將影片檔案轉換成DVD,可在DVD播放機上放映影片。軟件設有多種設計選項,包括多種DVD menu模版等等。
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免費批量改名軟件 Flexible Renamer 8.3
Flexible Renamer is a file/folder renaming utility, which can use Wildcard or Regular-Expression and Tag-information (MP3, EXIF) and script (vbs/js). It uses an Explorer like user interface. UNICODE strings (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Dutch/French)are supported.
Flexible Renamer 是一個免費軟件,可以替檔案批量改名。軟件支援unicode字元如日文,韓文等等,當然亦支援中文。
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免費系統清除軟件 CCleaner 3.02.1343
CCleaner is our system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!
CCleaner是一個系統優化,隱私和清潔工具。它刪除未使用的文件從您的系統 - 讓 Windows運行更快,騰出寶貴的硬盤空間。它還清除痕跡您的在線活動,如您的互聯網歷史。此外,它還包含一個全功能的註冊表清潔。但是,最好的部分是,它的速度快(通常以不到一秒的時間運行),不包含任何間諜軟件或廣告軟件。最重要的是,它是一個免費軟件!
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免費mac 圖片管理軟件 iPhoto Buddy 1.3.4 for Mac
Photo Buddy is a small Universal Mac OS X application that allows you to create and use more than one photo Library with Apple's iPhoto as well as with it's companion programs, iMovie and iDVD, iWeb, etc. The advantages of splitting your One Huge Photo Library into multiple, smaller ones include improved iPhoto performance, increased flexibility in organizing your digital photo collection, and a consistency with most other Mac applications that allow their respective data to be stored in as many files (documents) as you like.
iPhoto Buddy uses a simple, streamlined interface that was inspired by iPhoto itself. Anyone that has used iPhoto will immediately feel right at home using iPhoto Buddy. It truly is a companion application--a real buddy!
Also includes iPhoto Buddy Menu, a persistent Status Menu in your Mac's Menu Bar that provides instant access to each of your Libraries - even when iPhoto Buddy is not running.
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T3Desk 10.09 在windows中享受3d切換效果
T3Desk是一個很酷的免費軟件,你可以最大限度地縮小或"3D化"你的桌面應用程序,使桌面在3D視圖中成為半透明的窗口。你可以儘量縮小 任何應用程序窗口顯示為三維界面,可以對它們進行,翻轉、移動、縮放操作。T3Desk佔用的系統資源較低,除了透明效果,你還可以設置動作、聲音,初始 角度,過渡效果等,是桌面玩家的必備免費軟件之一。
T3Desk lets you manage your applications more easily in a 3D desktop adding the third dimension to your Windows screen.
"3Dmized" windows will appear in three dimensions and transparent on your screen and have the ability to be flipped, zoomed, moved, swiveled in almost anyway you want. T3Desk is lightweight on your resources, unlike most applications of its kind.
With T3Desk you can set the options regarding display, zooming, hot keys and sounds. You can configure your 3D window animation, transparency effect, the 3D initial angle and distance, the transition effects and more.
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Balabolka 將文字檔案轉為音樂檔案
Balabolka is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program. All computer voices installed on your system are available to Balabolka. The on-screen text can be saved as a WAV, MP3, OGG or WMA file. The program can read the clipboard content, view the text from DOC, RTF, PDF, ODT, FB2 and HTML files, customize font and background colour, control reading from the system tray or by the global hotkeys. Balabolka uses various versions of Microsoft Speech API (SAPI); it allows to alter a voice's parameters, including rate and pitch. The user can apply a special substitution list to improve the quality of the voice's articulation. This feature is useful when you want to change the spelling of words. The rules for the pronunciation correction use the syntax of VBScript.
Balabolka是一個文本轉語音(TTS)的免費軟件。Balabolka可以使用計算機系統上安裝的所有語音。屏幕 上的文字可以被保存為一個WAV,MP3,OGG或者WMA文件。該軟件可以讀取剪貼板的內容,可以查看 DOC,EPUB,FB2,ODT,PDF,RTF和HTML文件中的文本,可自定義字體和背景顏色,控制從系統托盤閱讀或者使用熱鍵。 Balabolka使用微軟的語音API(SAPI)的各種版本,它可以改變語音的參數,包括語度和語調。用戶可以應用特殊的替代清單,以提高語音的清晰度質量。當你想改變的單詞拼寫時這個功能就非常有用。糾正發音規則使用VBScript的語法
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免費網絡瀏覽器 SeaMonkey 2.0.9
SeaMonkey is the all-in-one internet application suite formerly known as the "Mozilla Application Suite", containing a Web browser, a mail and newsgroups client, an HTML editor, Web development tools, and an IRC chat client in a single software package.
SeaMonkey 是一款完全免費的網路瀏覽器軟件,它與火狐最大的不同在於它並非只是一款單存的瀏覽器,而是一款集合了眾多功能的網路工具包。 SeaMonkey 具有網路瀏覽、電子郵件收發、新聞群組閱讀、 IRC 聊天、網頁製作等基本功能,而且也能夠透過外掛的方式來擴增它的功能,達到功能無上限的目的。
許多使用火狐的使用者都必須另外找一款搭配 的電子郵件軟體,雖然同屬 Mozilla.org 出品的雷鳥就是個不錯的選擇,但是如果你使用的是 SeaMonkey ,那麼你根本就不必為這個問題所困擾了。如過你還沒找到一款真正令你滿意的瀏覽器,那麼不妨來試試 SeaMonkey 這個免費軟件,也是它能夠與你一拍即合喔!
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免費註冊表整理軟件 Registry Life 1.24
Registry Life is a utility designed to improve system performance by fixing errors, defragmenting, and compressing the registry. Unlike similar freeware tools, Registry Life offers registry cleanup and optimization in a single tool. The registry cleanup tool scans the registry for a wide variety of problems and fixes them all at once. For example, it will remove invalid entries from the Windows startup registry and browser context menu; check file type associations, common dynamic-link libraries, and registered applications; and examine other parts of the registry.
Registry Life 是通過修改註冊表錯誤,壓縮和整理註冊表中的碎片來提高系統運行的一款實用免費軟件。軟件有註冊表清理功能,執行搜查和修復大量不同的註冊表問題,不像其它一些程序,本免費軟件在系統升級的時候對註冊表進行優化。程序可以通過用戶設定的計劃自動壓縮和整理註冊表中的碎片。
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免費私隱資料清除軟件 Square Privacy Cleaner
Square Privacy Cleaner allows you to remove also locked index.DAT files and generic locked files on the next reboot of the system. During cleaning process, our program will try to terminate running processes of the files that reside in temporary folders or in other folders that have been selected to be cleaned.
Square Privacy Cleaner是一個免費軟件。它是一個快速,強大,且易於使用的隱私保護工具,能夠刪除計算機上的所有不需要的歷史數據。
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免費系統清除軟件 Disk Cleaner 1.6.1353
Disk Cleaner 是一個免費的開源工具,可以快速,方便地清理您的硬盤從臨時文件,比如那些在系統臨時文件夾,Internet Explorer緩存和Cookies文件夾,回收站。磁盤清理的重點是易用性,速度和體積小,既當下載和安裝時。它是快速,由於關鍵部件都寫只用普通的Windows API給予高度搜索和刪除的性能。磁盤清潔也完全自包含:無其他(大)DLL文件運行所必需的應用程序,因此它甚至可以從軟盤運行無故障。方便你的垃圾清除公共機器。
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免費檔案分割工具 KFK
KFK 分割檔案的方式主要有兩種,一是依照您所指定的檔案分割數目來加以分割,
會自動進行合併的動作,您並不需要在目的機器上安裝 KFK這套軟體也可以順利的
此外,KFK 也完全支援拖放的功能,如果您不想要透過手動指定路徑的方式來指定
要分割的檔案的話,您也可以將要分割的檔案直接拖曳到KFK 視窗中檔案分割的圖
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免費影片網站下載工具 SpeedBit Video Downloader 2.2.8
SpeedBit Video Downloader 是一個完全免費的應用程序,可以讓你下載影片來源,Break,Facebook,Google,Dailymotion和其它Flash視頻網站。 SpeedBit Video Downloader 可以下載所有您喜愛的影片到電腦上,並發揮他們無論何時何地你喜歡。 SpeedBit Video Downloader 適用於您的IE或Firefox瀏覽器下載。
官方網站(offical site):
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免費檔案同步軟件 BestSync 2010 5.4.23
BestSync 2010 is a professional utility for following solutions synchronize files between PCs by utilizing network storage, FTP server, USB drive, synchronize Outlook and Windows Mail between PCs by utilizing network storage, FTP server, USB drive; backup your critical files to the external hard disk, network storage, FTP server automatically. You can publish your web site conveniently by FTP. Only updated files are transferred to, and deleted files are removed from your web site. BestSync 2009 has an easy to use interface. It allows copying opened and locked file, backup database, secure your data by compression and encryption, and prevent file from being corrupted at any occasion. You can resume transfer file from last breakpoint to copy large file in unstable network. The application supports FTP proxy server to sync files behind the file wall.
BestSync 2010是一款加密同步備份工具,更譽為最容易使用的文件同步工具,用家只須用一個軟件,就可以在本地目錄、網絡盤、共享目錄、FTP服務器、USB等可移動的磁盤之間同步與備份。
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免費email 電郵軟件Pegasus Mail 4.52
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Winstep Nexus Dock 10.9 美化你的桌面
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a free Windows dock application that provides fast access to your most frequently used applications, with flexible options allowing it to dock or float anywhere on the screen. Every feature you would expect from a dock and then more, including widgets, many different mouse-over effects, skins, drag-and-drop, ability to display running applications and the system tray, Windows 7 "superbar" ability with Aeropeek, live icon reflections and support for Windows Aero Glass effects.
NeXuS是WinStep出品的一款桌面Dock軟件,是最有吸引力、最強大、彈性最大的一個桌面美化工具,提供了更友好的界面,讓你的桌面體驗更生動和有趣。Winstep Nexus 高逼真模仿 Mac OS X Dock,可以模擬 Leopard 式樣與特效,類似Y』z Dock的工具,能夠拖曳任何程序圖標到Dock上,能調整圖標大小16×16直到最大的128×128。也能夠設置透明度,Dock名稱、鼠標點擊特效等。它還有許多特性:比如Widget、鼠標移過特效、皮膚、拖動、圖標倒影、模糊背景系統托盤和任務欄支持等。你可以完全自由的設置。Winstep Nexus功能和操作性上都挺不錯,喜歡玩美化可以試試看哦~~ 如果您習慣ObjectDock的話,很容易就上手。
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免費線上掃毒軟件 BitDefender Online Scanner
BitDefender Online Scanner is a fully functional antivirus product. It features all required elements for thorough antivirus scanning and effective cleaning, it scans your system's memory, all files, folders, and drives boot sectors, providing you with the option to automatically clean the infected files.
BitDefender Online Scanner是一個全功能的防病毒產品。它具有所有必需的元素,進行徹底的防病毒掃描和有效的清潔,它會掃描您的系統內存,所有文件,文件夾和驅動器的引導扇區,為您提供可以選擇自動清除受感染的文件。
免費線上掃毒軟件 Kaspersky Online Virus Scanner
Kaspersky Online Virus Scanner is a free online virus scanner to find out if you have any viruses or spyware on your machine without having to uninstall your current antivirus software or install a new one. Most importantly, you can see what viruses your current antivirus software let slip through. You just need to be online and using Internet Explorer.
免費msn病毒移除軟件MSN Virus Remover 5.11
免費MSN病毒移除工具–MSN Virus Remover,可以移除各種一般MSN病毒,掃瞄及還原登錄檔、工作管理員、執行、系統還原控制台、資料夾選項設定,掃瞄USB隨身碟自動執行的可疑病毒。
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免費批量圖片處理工具 SunlitGreen PhotoEdit 1.3 build 751
SunlitGreen PhotoEdit是一個易於使用但功能強大的優化器和編輯照片。它使您以專業的方式查看,縮放,旋轉,應用顏色校正和效果。
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免費pdf編輯軟件 Solid PDF Creator 6.0
Solid PDF Creator可幫助用家建立pdf文件,它以虛擬打印機的方式運作,可在任何軟件中使用。
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免費mac os硬碟備份軟件 Carbon Copy Cloner 3.3.4 for Mac
The key to a successful backup plan is to actually do the backups regularly. When left to a human, the task often gets tacked on to the end of a very long list of other things to do. When you eventually have a catastrophe, the data is simply gone. You know that feeling -- you just lost six years of family photos. Your kids being born, their first birthdays, their first everything. The answer to this is consistent and regular backups, placed on a schedule and handled automatically by your computer.
CCC 3 features a new interface designed to make the cloning and backup procedure more intuitive and more responsive. Users have better control over what gets backed up, and are provided with detailed information about the progress of their backup. In addition to general backup, CCC can also clone one hard drive to another, copying every single block or file to create an exact replica of your source hard drive. CCC's block-level copy offers the absolute best fidelity in the industry!
Carbon Copy Cloner是一個系統備份軟件,易於使用的備份解決方案可用於蘋果
Mac OS X系統。
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Caffeine 1.1.1 for Mac 防止mac自動休眠的免費小軟件
Caffeine是一個小程序,它使你的圖標可以停靠在菜單欄右邊。點擊一下它,可以防止你的Mac自動去「睡覺」,調光屏幕或啟動屏幕保護程序。 再點擊一下就可以還原。 快捷鍵為:按住Command鍵,同時單擊顯示菜單。
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免費mac os專用下載軟件Transmission 2.04 for Mac
Transmission is a fast, easy, and free multi-platform BitTorrent client. Transmission sets initial preferences so things "Just Work", while advanced features like watch directories, bad peer blocking, and the web interface can be configured with just a few clicks. Macworld put it this way: "It's fast, it's extremely lightweight, and -- even though it's available for a variety of platforms -- it behaves just as you'd expect a Mac program to."
Transmission supports full encryption, file selection, a web-based interface, groups, peer exchange, automatic port forwarding, webseeds, watch directories, tracker editing, global and per-torrent speed limits, and more. Its code is freely available online and is licensed under either the GNU Public License v2 or the MIT License. The development team welcomes anyone who is interested in contributing code, documentation, translations, or other help.
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免費mac os專用即時通訊軟件 Adium 1.3.10 for Mac
Adium is currently translated into Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.
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免費mac os專用pdf軟件 Skim 1.3.9 for Mac
Skim 是一個面向 Mac OS 平台的 PDF 文件閱讀工具,主要是為了輕鬆閱讀 PDF 文件而設計。您可以搜尋 PDF 檔案、標記閱讀書籤、加上註記或筆記、標明章節以及截取快照 (snapshot)以方便作參照。Skim 也可打開 PostScript (PS) 檔案,將其轉換成 PDF。
使用 Skim,您還可以使用強大的全螢幕模式,完全專注於閱讀此份 PDF,或者也可以全螢幕進行您 PDF 檔案的簡報。
Mac OS X 系統內建的預覽程序 (Preview) 也可提供文字註解或橢圓註解,不過 Skim 更加延伸這些功能。與預覽不通的是,Skim 可以讓您在儲存含有文字註解或筆記的 PDF 後,下次打開 PDF 時還可編輯這些註解或筆記。
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免費mac燒錄軟件 Burn 2.4.1u for Mac
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免費檔案復原軟件 Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition 5.0.1
EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition is a one-stop & free data recovery software to recover 1 GB data free of charge. It is a comprehensive file recovery freeware which can recover deleted files or folders even when they have been emptied from Recycle Bin, recover data due to format, lost partition, system crash, and virus attack. Compare with other data recovery freeware, it can restore files from formatted disk, dynamic disk, deleted or lost partition with original file names & storage paths. By the way, it is designed with wizard mode which makes the data recovery process easy even for a beginner. Free, easy-to-use, powerful functions make EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition a must-have data recovery software in case of any data loss.
Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Free是一個免費檔案復原軟件,可復原被誤刪的檔案,免費版只能救活1 gb的檔案。
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免費mac系統管理工具 Mac HelpMate 3.0 for Mac
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免費資料夾管理軟件 Q-Dir 4.39

Q-Dir makes your files and folder easy to manage. Fast and easy access, with an amazing Quadro-View technique. You don't have to renounce the usual, Drag and Drop, all Views, and other functions of your system. No Q-Dir gives you other nice functions, that make you happy. One can save many hand moves and also time. Q-Dir includes the following features like favorites, drag and drop, clipboard, all views, magnifier, color filter, highlight-filter, and quick-links.
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微軟開始提供Internet Explorer 9 beta 下載
Internet Explorer 再進化,超乎您的想像。Internet Explorer 9 的設計走向極簡、不需要點選太多的對話方塊就可以連結、讓瀏覽更直覺,還擁有許多可以加速網頁瀏覽的新功能。「已固定的網站」等功能可以讓您將最愛的網站直接固定在工作列,輕輕一點就可以存取。硬體加速等的其他功能則會提供全面性的加速瀏覽體驗。有了 Internet Explorer 9,讓您操作網站的經驗,更接近您每天在電腦上使用程式的體驗。
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免費聯絡人管理軟件 Free Address Book

With Free Address Book you can note the addresses, phone numbers, mobile, fax, company name, country, city, Web site address, and e-mail addresses of your contacts and partners. You can easy print list of contacts and details of selected contact. Portable - you can run from USB drive. Free Address Book 是一個聯絡人管理軟件,可記錄聯絡人的個人資料。軟件是免安裝的,可裝在usb手指中隨身攜帶。
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免費mac系統優化工具 OnyX 2.1.8b3

OnyX is a multifunction utility for Mac OS X. It allows you to verify the Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run misc tasks of system maintenance, to configure the hidden parameters of the Finder, Dock and of some of Apple's own applications, to delete caches, to remove a certain number of files and folders that may become cumbersome and more.
Mac 用久了,也會有各種各樣的問題。無用的日誌/記錄文件佔據大量磁盤空間、字體緩存錯亂導致界面字體發瘋、磁盤權限出錯導致文件無法打開等等等等。此時就需要「優化大師」、「超級兔子」之類的軟件出馬,清理或者優化。OnyX 即是老牌免費系統維護和配置程序,出名的大神器。OnyX 不僅僅可維護和清理系統解決各種異常,還包含了 Mac OS 中隱含的上百個設置選項,方便用戶對系統進行自定義。諸如 Finder、SpotLight、iTunes、Safari、Dock 等程序均可通過 OnyX 定製外觀和功能。
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免費圖片格式轉換軟件 Kigo Image Converter 2.1.1

Kigo Image Converter is a software that converts various graphics to specific format. Easy to use image files converter. It converts image files between popular formats, scale images up or down, add watermark to image files. After set the converting options, and just click the button Converter, It will change image format, scale image size, add watermark at the same time automatically. You could select an image as watermark now. Version 2 includes unspecified updates.
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免費系統優化軟件 GIGATweaker 3.1.3 build 460

GIGATweaker is a free powerful and compact tool that allows you to optimize and tweak your Windows 7. It works with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and can be used as a portable application. GIGATweaker is one of the best and fastest programs that combine the highest comfort, compactness and power. GIGATweaker is completely portable and lightweight tool with built-in Startup Manager and UnInstall Manager. All changes made by GIGATweaker in the system are transparent through informative console.
不過TweakUI在很久之前就沒再持續開發新版本了,後來的Windows Vista與Win7等作業系統也也不能再用這程式來修改系統設定。後來,有廠商開發了另外一套免費軟體叫「GIGATweaker 3 DE」,功能比以前的TweakUI更多、更完整,還可支援Windows 7與Vista等作業系統,是個相當好用的系統設定工具。
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CSMenu 3.7 將Windows 7 的start menu改為傳統樣式

CSMenu is a small freeware application designed to replace the default start menu that comes with Windows 7. The classic start menu, still the favorite of many computer users, is completely lacking from Windows 7. Without downloading third party software such as this, there is no way to return it as there was in Windows Vista. Many people prefer the classic start menu for a number of reasons.
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免費定時關機軟件 Easy Pro Shutdown 1.1

Easy Pro ShutDown is a small utility that can automate a variety of tasks at a scheduled time. There is no need now to waste your time waiting for shutdown, restart or many more functions, with this intelligent tool you can almost schedule all your work like turn off, restart and hibernate the computer after a period specified by the user.
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免費系統監察軟件 VeeSee Free

VeeSee Free version is a utility designed to display hardware information. The main function of VeeSee is viewing the current hardware's information, such as the detailed information of CPU, mainboard, memory, graphics card, display and keeping computer monitored.
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免費看圖軟件 XnView 1.97.7
XnView is a fast multi-format graphics browser, viewer, and converter. It can read more than 400 file formats, e.g. GIF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TARGA, multipage TIFF, camera RAW, JPEG 2000, MPEG, AVI, Quicktime. EXIF and IPTC metadata are also supported. The image viewer has an Explorer-like browser that allows quick and simple browsing of directory contents. XnView supports red eye correction, crops and transforms JPEG images losslessly, generates HTML pages and contact sheets, and provides batch conversion and batch renaming. Slide shows with transitions effects, screen capturing, WIA and TWAIN support (scanner and digital cameras), image comparison, file operations.
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免費記憶體優化工具 PC Brother Memory Optimization

PC Brother Memory Optimization is a powerful but easy-to-use system application that can optimize your PC, as well as show you the current system usage in both graph and by numbers. It can help your PC operate more efficiently and run faster. This totally free application is user friendly. To enjoy more benefits PC Brother Memory Optimization offers, including the feature of upgrade hardware, consider upgrading to PC Brother System Care. It's also totally free. The following are available in the tool bar on the main screen. In this page, users can understand what those are used for, and then can operate them exactly.
下載地址(download link):http://download.cnet.com/3001-2088_4-75286109.html?spi=176dbe25dfc153b011e34fa17e2affea