免費mac os專用即時通訊軟件 Adium 1.3.10 for Mac
Adium is currently translated into Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.
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免費mac os專用pdf軟件 Skim 1.3.9 for Mac
Skim 是一個面向 Mac OS 平台的 PDF 文件閱讀工具,主要是為了輕鬆閱讀 PDF 文件而設計。您可以搜尋 PDF 檔案、標記閱讀書籤、加上註記或筆記、標明章節以及截取快照 (snapshot)以方便作參照。Skim 也可打開 PostScript (PS) 檔案,將其轉換成 PDF。
使用 Skim,您還可以使用強大的全螢幕模式,完全專注於閱讀此份 PDF,或者也可以全螢幕進行您 PDF 檔案的簡報。
Mac OS X 系統內建的預覽程序 (Preview) 也可提供文字註解或橢圓註解,不過 Skim 更加延伸這些功能。與預覽不通的是,Skim 可以讓您在儲存含有文字註解或筆記的 PDF 後,下次打開 PDF 時還可編輯這些註解或筆記。
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免費mac燒錄軟件 Burn 2.4.1u for Mac
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免費檔案復原軟件 Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition 5.0.1
EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition is a one-stop & free data recovery software to recover 1 GB data free of charge. It is a comprehensive file recovery freeware which can recover deleted files or folders even when they have been emptied from Recycle Bin, recover data due to format, lost partition, system crash, and virus attack. Compare with other data recovery freeware, it can restore files from formatted disk, dynamic disk, deleted or lost partition with original file names & storage paths. By the way, it is designed with wizard mode which makes the data recovery process easy even for a beginner. Free, easy-to-use, powerful functions make EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition a must-have data recovery software in case of any data loss.
Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Free是一個免費檔案復原軟件,可復原被誤刪的檔案,免費版只能救活1 gb的檔案。
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免費mac系統管理工具 Mac HelpMate 3.0 for Mac
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免費資料夾管理軟件 Q-Dir 4.39

Q-Dir makes your files and folder easy to manage. Fast and easy access, with an amazing Quadro-View technique. You don't have to renounce the usual, Drag and Drop, all Views, and other functions of your system. No Q-Dir gives you other nice functions, that make you happy. One can save many hand moves and also time. Q-Dir includes the following features like favorites, drag and drop, clipboard, all views, magnifier, color filter, highlight-filter, and quick-links.
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微軟開始提供Internet Explorer 9 beta 下載
Internet Explorer 再進化,超乎您的想像。Internet Explorer 9 的設計走向極簡、不需要點選太多的對話方塊就可以連結、讓瀏覽更直覺,還擁有許多可以加速網頁瀏覽的新功能。「已固定的網站」等功能可以讓您將最愛的網站直接固定在工作列,輕輕一點就可以存取。硬體加速等的其他功能則會提供全面性的加速瀏覽體驗。有了 Internet Explorer 9,讓您操作網站的經驗,更接近您每天在電腦上使用程式的體驗。
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免費聯絡人管理軟件 Free Address Book

With Free Address Book you can note the addresses, phone numbers, mobile, fax, company name, country, city, Web site address, and e-mail addresses of your contacts and partners. You can easy print list of contacts and details of selected contact. Portable - you can run from USB drive. Free Address Book 是一個聯絡人管理軟件,可記錄聯絡人的個人資料。軟件是免安裝的,可裝在usb手指中隨身攜帶。
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免費mac系統優化工具 OnyX 2.1.8b3

OnyX is a multifunction utility for Mac OS X. It allows you to verify the Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run misc tasks of system maintenance, to configure the hidden parameters of the Finder, Dock and of some of Apple's own applications, to delete caches, to remove a certain number of files and folders that may become cumbersome and more.
Mac 用久了,也會有各種各樣的問題。無用的日誌/記錄文件佔據大量磁盤空間、字體緩存錯亂導致界面字體發瘋、磁盤權限出錯導致文件無法打開等等等等。此時就需要「優化大師」、「超級兔子」之類的軟件出馬,清理或者優化。OnyX 即是老牌免費系統維護和配置程序,出名的大神器。OnyX 不僅僅可維護和清理系統解決各種異常,還包含了 Mac OS 中隱含的上百個設置選項,方便用戶對系統進行自定義。諸如 Finder、SpotLight、iTunes、Safari、Dock 等程序均可通過 OnyX 定製外觀和功能。
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免費圖片格式轉換軟件 Kigo Image Converter 2.1.1

Kigo Image Converter is a software that converts various graphics to specific format. Easy to use image files converter. It converts image files between popular formats, scale images up or down, add watermark to image files. After set the converting options, and just click the button Converter, It will change image format, scale image size, add watermark at the same time automatically. You could select an image as watermark now. Version 2 includes unspecified updates.
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免費系統優化軟件 GIGATweaker 3.1.3 build 460

GIGATweaker is a free powerful and compact tool that allows you to optimize and tweak your Windows 7. It works with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and can be used as a portable application. GIGATweaker is one of the best and fastest programs that combine the highest comfort, compactness and power. GIGATweaker is completely portable and lightweight tool with built-in Startup Manager and UnInstall Manager. All changes made by GIGATweaker in the system are transparent through informative console.
不過TweakUI在很久之前就沒再持續開發新版本了,後來的Windows Vista與Win7等作業系統也也不能再用這程式來修改系統設定。後來,有廠商開發了另外一套免費軟體叫「GIGATweaker 3 DE」,功能比以前的TweakUI更多、更完整,還可支援Windows 7與Vista等作業系統,是個相當好用的系統設定工具。
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CSMenu 3.7 將Windows 7 的start menu改為傳統樣式

CSMenu is a small freeware application designed to replace the default start menu that comes with Windows 7. The classic start menu, still the favorite of many computer users, is completely lacking from Windows 7. Without downloading third party software such as this, there is no way to return it as there was in Windows Vista. Many people prefer the classic start menu for a number of reasons.
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免費定時關機軟件 Easy Pro Shutdown 1.1

Easy Pro ShutDown is a small utility that can automate a variety of tasks at a scheduled time. There is no need now to waste your time waiting for shutdown, restart or many more functions, with this intelligent tool you can almost schedule all your work like turn off, restart and hibernate the computer after a period specified by the user.
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免費系統監察軟件 VeeSee Free

VeeSee Free version is a utility designed to display hardware information. The main function of VeeSee is viewing the current hardware's information, such as the detailed information of CPU, mainboard, memory, graphics card, display and keeping computer monitored.
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免費看圖軟件 XnView 1.97.7
XnView is a fast multi-format graphics browser, viewer, and converter. It can read more than 400 file formats, e.g. GIF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TARGA, multipage TIFF, camera RAW, JPEG 2000, MPEG, AVI, Quicktime. EXIF and IPTC metadata are also supported. The image viewer has an Explorer-like browser that allows quick and simple browsing of directory contents. XnView supports red eye correction, crops and transforms JPEG images losslessly, generates HTML pages and contact sheets, and provides batch conversion and batch renaming. Slide shows with transitions effects, screen capturing, WIA and TWAIN support (scanner and digital cameras), image comparison, file operations.
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免費記憶體優化工具 PC Brother Memory Optimization

PC Brother Memory Optimization is a powerful but easy-to-use system application that can optimize your PC, as well as show you the current system usage in both graph and by numbers. It can help your PC operate more efficiently and run faster. This totally free application is user friendly. To enjoy more benefits PC Brother Memory Optimization offers, including the feature of upgrade hardware, consider upgrading to PC Brother System Care. It's also totally free. The following are available in the tool bar on the main screen. In this page, users can understand what those are used for, and then can operate them exactly.
下載地址(download link):http://download.cnet.com/3001-2088_4-75286109.html?spi=176dbe25dfc153b011e34fa17e2affea
免費系統優化軟件 360Amigo System Speedup Free

If you think your PC is slow, help is at hand. 360Amigo System Speedup is a new PC optimization and error repair utility that dramatically improves the performance of your PC. 360Amigo System Speedup includes a System Cleaner, a System Optimizer, and a wide range of System Tools designed exclusively to boost PC performance. Both beginners and experienced users will enjoy the available features and options and the simple application interface. With the click of a button all common computer errors can be fixed. How does it do this? In a nutshell, 360Amigo System Speedup offers a Registry Cleaner to detect and remove all bad entries from the PC, it optimizes Windows for faster start-up times and stops runaway Processes that may take up all of the processors' cycles. It also includes a Junk Files Cleaner to remove unused files and traces of online activities, such as browser history, cookies, temporary files, logs, invalid links and many more. The best part is that it's small (less than 3Mb), fast and furious (normally taking less than a minute to scan and fix)
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免費工作列管理軟件 4t Tray Minimizer Free 5.22
4t Tray Minimizer Free 可將目前你已開啟的所有應用程式工作視窗,全部最小化的系統工作列中,而在操作上並沒有與一般的視窗最小化的動作有任何的差異,只不過將原本縮小的工作列 的動作修改為最小化並且以圖示的方式出現在系統工具列中,當然透過預先設置的快速鍵,你也可以使用它們來為你快速的還原 / 縮小指定的應用程設即可。
4t Tray Minimizer lets you running applications minimized as System Tray icons, which helps free up space on your taskbar. Main features: various ways to minimize any application to the system tray; ability to roll up any window to its title bar; ability to make window transparent; hide any application without showing tray icon;the customized hotkeys for minimizing, restoring, maximizing and launching applications; quick hiding/showing the whole system tray.
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