Memory Improve Master Free Version is a free memory optimizer which will keep your computer running better, faster, and longer. Sometimes computer system becomes slow because of large and heavy sized applications are running simultaneously, it takes more memory space and makes the system works slowly. It frees up and compresses system memory to make processes run faster and crash less often.
Memory Improve Master Free Version 是一款智能化和易於使用的優化和監控系統的軟件。它釋放和壓縮系統內存,使進程的運行速度和系統崩潰的幾率大大降低。還有強大的功能,包括查看和監測內存使用情況,各種軟件實時 CPU使用率,設置內存參數的優化,顯示正在運行的進程等!軟件還有智能學習功能 (自動根據進程工作歷史調度進程內存回收壓縮)。下載地址(download link):